Art and cryptocurrency really share a certain bond: their value has just been agreed, even if subjectively. A long time ago, the company decided that gold was worth something, especially because it's nice and hard to get.
It took only a decade to accept that Bitcoin is, at least, a value . We had even less time to decide what constitutes blockchain art.
By the time you've finished reading this, though, you'll at least have an understanding of where we are.
Bling to match your lambo
The production of jewelry is definitely an ancient art form, and one that, for better or for worse, was the first to settle in the Bitcoin community.
Those looking to make powerful claims are certainly satisfied for 2018. The BTC Jewelery, from Japan, offers a wide selection of cryptocurrency jewelry: some daring, others more subdued.
What better way to show your dedication to the society that chains the blockchain than to the rocking of rings, pendants, earrings or tailor twins that pay homage to the internet of money. The pendants also come in a range of sizes to fit your stack.
A ring, which reads DECENTRALIZED is strictly for dancers. Another ring simply says: SATOSHI .
Graffiti in cryptocurrency
It is not just the jewelers who use Bitcoin as a muse. Fortunately, the rebellious nature of the cryptocurrency also goes well with street art. Wall graffiti are popping up all over the world, giving a certain consistency to the digital money revolution.
Hard Fork recently spoke with the French artist Pascal & # 39; PBOY & # 39; Boyart, who has added QR codes to his murals that allow admirers to show appreciation directly by sending Bitcoin. By the time we spoke with PBOY, over $ 1,000 in donations were received. This shows how effective the blockchain can be in raising funds for the guerrilla.
Even miniatures are art!
Even the miniatures are taking their time in the spotlight. We have seen all those physical dorky coins of the major cryptocurrencies – but they do not really have the charm of a bobblehead by Vitalik Buterin riding a blue unicorn.
The novelty store Cryptocurrency moonstüff is behind the collectible, with the notorious BitConnect hype-man Carlos Matos and the bitcoin evangelist Cash Roger Ver who composed the rest of the set.
Pushing the boundaries
Ready for something a little more adventurous? Kevin Abosch is a visual artist who goes beyond the confines of cryptography. His work, if I have to describe it, is just as confusing and intimidating.
Famous for selling a photograph of a potato for a million euros (about $ 1.15 million), Abosch is becoming one of his cryptocurrencies. IAMACoin is his latest project – an initial offer of coins (ICO) in which each of the millions of tokens is his own autonomous work
To which I say, of course, why not, a token of cryptocurrency is a & # 39 ; art work. If you have enough people interested in your work, every token becomes valuable and could even be traded for more tangible art.
But here's the hook: a hundred tokens are supported by a piece of fancy paper, with their individual contract address in the blood of the artist .

The statement of the completely real and unpublished artist recites:
We come into the world as newly minted coins – perfect and priceless. Yet we are constantly given a value. The most unfortunate are considered "worthless" by those who exploit human currency.
Sometimes life may seem reduced to transactional. I often have difficulty discerning where I end up and the person before me starts taking pictures of my various subjects. A sense of unity prevents the call to the market.
If I could bleed only for the blockchain, his ledger, for everyone to see, would reveal that they are a coin.
This project consists of an edition of 100 physical works whose significant existence is based on the existence of virtual works. Through my blood, an address of a blockchain contract and ten million encrypted tokens, the same nature of value must be redefined.
Another piece of Abosch perfectly combines everything you do not understand on computers with everything that comes to mind when you appreciate art.
Tangled: Entangled (2018) – Blockchain wallet address filled with #iamacoin converted into visual track on twine. #cryptoart #blockchain pic.twitter.com/UtbhhBC1qL
– kevin abosch (@kevinabosch) 29 July 2018
Something more familiar
Not everything is so pretentious, I promise. The Hungarian illustrator Zsolt Vidak produced a colorful piece that I would have dug for the new shag-pad.
If the oil paintings are more your style, the " Ascension of Satoshi" by Daniel Loveday might be more suitable. And ' recently sold for over $ 2,500, but who knows – could come back to the market one day. (Note: images kindly granted by Bitcoin Art Gallery)
Also, if you squeeze your eyes and turn your head a little, it totally resembles Elon Musk, right?
Art comes in all forms, just like the cryptocurrencies. Some are definitely useless – others could be precious one day. In the end, all that really matters is that enough people think it's worth something, right?
Published 6 August 2018 – 17:08 UTC
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