We can also observe meteor showers in winter. The Geminids are waiting for us


With a clear winter sky, we can watch the “shooting stars” every December. Meteor showers appear all year round.

Even if we associate meteor showers with summer, because then we have pleasant weather and clear skies to watch them, even the winter ones are not to be thrown away. They are also very active. The problem, however, is the cloudy sky.

In recent years, Geminids have been the most stable and profitable. According to their name, we find them in the sky apparently coming from the constellation of Gemini. Their parent body is the asteroid 3200 Phaethon.

They are active every year at the same time, i.e. from 4 to 20 December, peaking between 12 and 13 of the month around 2 am Central European time, but can be observed all night.

At the most, you can see a remarkable up to 150 meteors per hour. The only thing that can stop you from this is time. Even the light of the moon will not disturb them.

If you’re going to watch them, don’t forget to find a suitable spot with as little light smog as possible. Also pack warm clothes.


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