Watch the meteors light up the night sky


The Leonid meteor shower (also known as the Leonids) is the second rain of November, after the Taurids. This year, the Taurid meteor was barely visible, averaging less than four streaks per hour.

[The Leonids] they are very fast and very bright with most of the trains leaving. You should be able to see 15 streaks an hour or more during the peak. The Leonid meteor shower is active from 6 to 30 November with less activity on either side of the peak period. “

Bronberg Weather Station.

What are the Leonids?

According to the Bronberg weather station in Pretoria, the Leonid meteor shower originates from the dust grains ejected from the Commet 55P, also known as the Tempel-Tuttle comet.

leonids meteor shower leonids
A shooting star from the Leonids Meteor rain crawls over the Mojave Desert outside #LasVegas. The Leonids, which peak over the next two days, are traced back to Comet 55P / Tempel-Tuttle. Photo credit: © @vegasphotograph.

Tempel-Tuttte is named after the constellation of Leo and passes close to Earth every 33 years since it was first observed in AD 902.While we wait for the comet to appear again, we see the particles it leaves behind.

Every year starting on November 6, the Earth passes through those particles, or grains of dust. When that happens, we see it as streaks of meteors in the night sky.

The Leonid meteor shower is the brightest every time the comet passes close to Earth, the last time it visited us in 1998. That means we’ll have to wait until 2031 for a decent fireworks display.

Is the Leonid meteor shower visible from South Africa?

Yes, NASA guarantees that Leonids are visible from both the Northern and Southern hemisphere. This year, Earth will go through its densest flows around 5:10 PM SAST on November 17th.

However, the best time to see the Leonid meteor shower, according to Bronberg, is from 3 a.m. onwards, Wednesday, November 18. If you’re not a night owl, remember to set that alarm clock!

It may not be visible in all of South Africa tonight and this is mainly due to the cloud cover. There is also the waning gibbous moon which is set to light up the night sky before sunrise.

“[The Leonid meteor streams] normally you get steam after midnight and show the greatest number of meteorites just before dawn ”.

Bronberg Weather Station.

How to visualize the Leonid meteor shower

All you have to do is find a nice dark spot away from light pollution, lie on your back if possible, and look up towards the northeast. Observe as much sky as you can.

Keep in mind that the Leo constellation isn’t fully visible until after midnight, so going out too early could end up being a disappointment.

Leonid meteor shower
Image via

The darker it is, the better, if you can get out of the city, by all means, do it. Grab a blanket or comfortable chair and go early. And you don’t even need expensive equipment. Just a dark sky and patience.

Your eyes will need about 20-30 minutes to adjust to the dark. According to NASA, the stars would be able to see up to 20 streaks per hour.

The best observation opportunity is tonight after midnight, when the constellation of Leo rises above the eastern horizon. Leonids can be seen everywhere on Earth except Antarctica, as the sky is clear.


When is the next meteor shower?

There is a small rain coming on November 21, known as the Monocerotid alpha meteor shower that comes from the Monoceros constellation.

The peak occurs around noon (yes, during daylight hours) and there are no guaranteed more than 4 sets per hour, though. That said, you would definitely want to mark December 13, 2020 on your calendar.

That’s when the next great meteor shower, the Geminids, will take place. As we pass through the debris field of asteroid 3200 Phaethon just before 11pm, we can see up to 120 streaks per hour.

leonids meteor shower leonids
Image via Twitter: @ babowling12 protection status

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