Watch SpaceX launch Jason-CS A and Starlink satellites this weekend


SpaceX has a busy weekend ahead. The space exploration company will launch the 15th batch of Starlink satellites from the Cape Canaveral launch pad.

At the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, SpaceX will also launch the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite (known as Jason-CS A).

SpaceX will launch on November 21st

Jason-CS A launch

SpaceX has partnered with ESA (European Space Agency), NASA, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), CNES (National Center for Space Studies) and Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) for this mission.

At 12:17 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), the Michael Freilich Sentinel-6 satellite (Jason-CS A, for short) will be launched from Vanderberg Air Base atop a Falcon 9 rocket.

For us in South Africa, it would be 19:17 South African Standard Time (SAST). However, if you are watching from other parts of the world, take note of the following times:

  • 7:17 pm Pacific Time (PT) Saturday November 21st
  • 11:17 am Central Time (CT) in the United States on Saturday, November 21
  • 6:17 pm British Summer Time (BST) Saturday 21st November
  • 10:47 PM India Standard Time (ISD) Saturday November 21st
  • 1:17 CST (Chinese Standard Time) Sunday, November 22
  • 2:17 am Japan Standard Time (JST) Sunday, November 22
  • 4:17 am Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) Sunday 22 November
  • 6:17 am for you Monday 19th October NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time) Sunday 22nd November

Watch: Jason-CS A satellite launch

Jason-CS A is a new satellite for mapping the oceans. It will help scientists further understand the impacts of climate change by examining coastal sea rise and monitoring underwater ocean waves.

Karen St. Germain, director of NASA’s Earth Sciences division, explains that the satellite’s precision measurements of sea level will be crucial to understanding global ocean warming.

“The Earth is a global system of intricate and dynamic interactions between oceans, land, ice, atmosphere; and human communities too, and that global system is changing. Increasingly, decision makers in the public and private sectors at all levels are turning to the earth science community to understand these changes to inform, frankly, both the risks and opportunities about which crucial decisions must be made. “

The fifteenth batch of Starlink satellites will be flown into low Earth orbit atop SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket on Saturday, November 21 at 10:17 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

It would be 5:17 on Sunday November 22 if you look from South Africa; or 7:17 pm Saturday Pacific Time (PT) and 4:17 am Sunday British Standard Time (BTS).

However, if you are a resident of India, be prepared for Sunday 8:47 am ISD. China, set the alarm at 11:17 CST (Chinese Standard Time). Additionally, viewers from Japan can tune in from 12:17 pm Japan Standard Time (JST).

Those in Australia will need to be ready at 14:17 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). New Zealanders, for you it is 16:17 NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time).

Additionally, the event will be streamed on the SpaceX website and video clips will also be shared on social media.

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