The Royal Kingdom Coin (RKC) sold -22.55% of the dollar in the last day of the day ended at 12.45 pm on 18 August EST. Royal Kingdom Coin currently has a total market capitalization of $ 7,450 and its 24-hour trading volume is around $ 103. Over the past seven days, Royal Kingdom Coin is -27.23% against the dollar, with a movement of 1.17% in the last hour
Now look how other currencies have caried in the last 24 hours:
- WINCOIN (WC) is currently at $ 0 , 34 against the US dollar, a change of 32.92% since yesterday. The price of the WC Bitcoin is currently at 0.00005300 BTC.
- Astro (ASTRO) is currently at $ 0.56 against the US dollar, a 19.77% variation since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of ASTRO is currently at 0.00008696 BTC.
- Octanox (OTX) is currently at $ 0.01 against the US dollar, a -2.04% variation since yesterday. The OTC Bitcoin price currently stands at 0.00000150 BTC.
- Cindicator (CND) is currently at $ 0.02 against the US dollar, a -2.09% change since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of CND is currently equal to 0.00000244 BTC.
Royal Kingdom Coin Date
Royal Kingdom Coin has a maximum stock of exactly 2,700,000 coins. It was launched on 10 July 2017.
cryptocompare reveals that: "Royal Kingdom Enterprise Limited is a brand and project manager that follows an innovation-oriented transformation management process in order to create tailor-made rapid solutions for the needs of the market Focusing on different market sectors, based on Blockchain technology applications, Royal Kingdom Entreprise generates flexibility and adaptation that translates into a wide range of possibilities for investing in new projects. "
Here are some links useful if you would like to get more information on Royal Kingdom Coin:
RKC: Trading Info
Investors can find RKC in trading as CCEX, Cryptopia, HitBTC,
It is not always possible to buy currencies like Royal Kingdom Coin using the American dollars. Market participants who need to acquire RKC may need to buy Bitcoin or ETH first from an exchange that has currency pairs in US dollars such as Coinbase and GDAX. Buyers can then use this Bitcoin or ETH to purchase Royal Kingdom Coin using one of the previously published commercial exchanges.