A recent announcement by VIBE revealed that it intends to launch a first-person shooter game (FPS) on blockchain technology. The game, called VIBE or DIE, will be published on January 12, 2019.
VIBE is an ERC-20 token that powers the VIBEHub technology running on the Ethereum blockchain.
The VIBE website states: "VIBEHub is a technology for creating a virtual reality market and hub where users can buy and sell experiences that would never be possible with traditional technology".
"The VIBE team is proud to announce that we are releasing a first-person shooter game on the blockchain that will integrate the VIBE, ETH and BNB cryptocurrencies."
The game is called VIBE or DIE and does not look very different from the popular FPS Halo game. Players will be awarded or deducted tokens each time they register a killing or are killed. The announcement states that there will be four different game modes available to players.
At the moment, VIBE or DIE seems to be exclusive to PC and will require the use of a VR headset. VIBE said: "We decided to make the first version not browser-based and downloadable to allow the highest quality desktop graphics."
The owners of BNB and ETH should note that if you want to play with these tokens, you first need a balance of 1,000 BNB or ETH in your VIBENet portfolio.
VIBEHub also accepts applications for other ERC-20 tokens and, if accepted, will be integrated into VIBE or DIE.
Here is the trailer:
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