Vertcoin exchange, Vertbase announces the latest updates in its system to facilitate the flow of transactions through exchange. As of now, current transactions for bitcoin money and litecoin have been pending on some issues that have emerged earlier, the Vertbase bugs intend to correct and increase efficiency. The announcement was rather short and to the point without revealing what updates you want to include in the next version of the framework although the statement understood that the recent version was hampered by cryptographic operations for the two currencies. However, transactions for vertcoin are still ongoing and uninterrupted. BlockPublisher got the details from the officials to present him to the massive Crypto community.
We have suspended BTC and LTC purchases for a while, while we are working on some updates for additional tokens. The vertcoin (VTC) is still available for purchase. As soon as we have the new update, we will update the public on this.
Vertbase has been the vertcoin exchange for quite some time, but previously vertcoin operated mainly on other mass common exchanges. Now that they are doing their own exchange, vertbase, vertcoin transactions have been lightened on variety. This has also prompted some rather negative comments from some cryptographers and also that the encrypted must be united and there is no need to throw more money on a platform on which a search has already been carried out.
Although the objections are to some extent more truthful, there is also a brighter side in this that each person houses a unique school of thought. This is open several unopened places when someone new digs something. With the vertbase opening up to new currencies to be traded through the exchange, the scenario may rather turn in favor of the vertbase.
Now you can buy DigiByte DGB with the American dollar on it vertbase. Create an account, verify your identity and place an order in less than 5 minutes!
The exchange that becomes independent is a step forward, but the whole concept has yet to be addressed to a single powerful crypt that can truly be defined as the alternate fiat champion who is here to stay.