Unique and marketable litecoin blockchain game?

  CryptoMonsters "title =" CryptoMonsters "/> </div>
<p>  For those who love games and blockchain, you will be happy to learn that the game <strong> CryptoMonsters </strong> was successfully launched. This app offers users various collectibles with features and concepts similar to crypto kitties, a game based on blockchain.However, the difference is that CryptoMonsters will run on Litecoin Network instead of Ethereum Network. </p>
<h2>  About The CryptoMonsters Game </h2>
<p>  to get a monster that evolves through various actions that are recorded on the blockchain from the beginning of death.The concept behind this game is quite simple.It is based on a virtual world, which is based on the Litecoin network.In this virtual world, there are CryptoMonsters, which evolve continuously and interact with each other. </p>
<p>  In the first phase, the game will allow initial users to get a free monster However, once the game is released, the monsters will end almost immediately due to the high demand. Now users must buy one of the monsters from the market. Monster prices can go up to $ 500 depending on various factors. For example, strength, level, rarity and many other factors will determine the price. </p>
<p>  Monsters have levels ranging from 1 to 200. Currently there are no high-level monsters since the game is still young. However, it will not be long before users see evolved monsters as the game becomes more active and mature. </p>
<p>  Players have the ability to split the monsters, thus, obtaining two monsters at a lower level. They can also choose to mature and evolve a creature to level it. As with many other games, evolution involves a complex and risky task such as fighting with other monsters in combat. If a monster wins the fight, the level will increase. However, if he is not victorious, he will lose his level. </p>
<p>  Each monster acquires some of the statistics of its losing opponent. If a monster drops below 0.2, it will die. According to its creator, CryptoGod, the monster will be ascended to the paradise of the encrypted monsters. </p>
<h3>  The role of the Litecoin network </h3>
<p>  This game is based on the continuous generation of blocks, using the Litecoin network as a kind of clock. At every tick of this watch, evolution takes a step forward. Depending on how much the Litecoin network has progressed, one monster wins and the other dies. The result is that the cryptomonsters change, grow or shrink continuously and, in the process, they exchange characteristics. </p>
<h2>  The CryptoMonsters Success </h2>
<p>  This game was nothing more than a success; this is according to the official Twitter account of the game. In a tweet, it was claimed that the new game recorded 2.3 new users per second. The tweet also added that their postal service provider was having trouble sending all the confirmation messages. He concluded by saying that they were working to solve the problem. </p>
<p>  This shows that it has the potential to be the Cryptokitties of the Litecoin network. However, the hope is that it does not put so much weight on the Litecoin network to slow it down. This is what happened with CryptoKitties at some point. </p>
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