Uber's largest shareholder to launch the cross-carrier mobile payments service based on Blockchain and RCS


The Japanese technology giant SoftBank is developing a blockchain-based cross-carrier mobile payment service, the company reported an official press release published on September 12

The new concept-proof development (PoC) of SoftBank was announced in partnership with telecommunications-focused blockchain company TBCASoft and Synchronoss Technologies, a provider of cloud services and platforms, messaging, the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The next mobile payment service will be based on Rich Communication Services (RCS) global messaging standard and TBCASoft's cross-carrier blockchain platform. The service will allow users to make peer-to-peer money transfers globally, as well as make internal purchases directly from their device via the RCS wallet application or a legacy messaging service such as SMS or e-mail.

According to the statement, Uber SoftBank's largest shareholder collaborated with TBCASoft to develop a cross-carrier blockchain Cross-Carrier Payment Service (CCPS) platform, which aims to boost mobile payment services between telecommunications companies global. In turn, Synchronoss has provided a multi-channel communication platform that combines text messages (SMS), e-mail and RCS. The platform was launched at the start of 2018.

Softbank's vice president, Takeshi Fukuizumi, noted that the upcoming cross-carrier payment service will allow traders to operate "on a scale that before it was only available for the big brands ". [19659002] According to Synchronoss CEO and president Glenn Lurie, the next blockchain-based RCS mobile service "will interrupt the current messaging and payment market," saying that SoftBank is "at the forefront of bringing new technologies to market. to & # 39; vanguard. "

On 10 August, Cointelegraph reported that the blockchain startup Zulu Republic launched a Litecoin transaction platform (LTC) via encrypted telegram messenger, also planning to introduce LTC transactions via SMS to support users with poor Internet connection.

At the beginning of August, in the United States, the software company Intuit was granted a patent for the processing of Bitcoin (BTC) payments via SMS. The patent was filed in the same year that Intuit QuickBooks' DIY tax solution worked with BitPay to enable corporate customers to pay their Bitcoin invoices.

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