Twelve children are hospitalized with covid-19 in Portugal, six in the north


The Federation of Firefighters of the District of Porto (FBDP) today threatened to park the vehicles of the PEM (Emergency Medical Post) indefinitely, next to the INEM-Norte Regional Delegation, to protest against the lack of institutional collaboration by that organization.

At issue, according to the FBDP, is “the constant devaluation of the work done by the Portuguese firefighters and the lack of institutional collaboration by INEM, in a permanent subordination of its main partner of the Integrated Medical Emergency System (Humanitarian Associations / Fire fighters)”.

Referring to a working meeting held on October 29, the federation revealed that it had been “unanimously approved” the sending to the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and all mayors, National Emergency and Protection Authority Civil (ANEPC), the Portuguese Fire Brigade and the Porto District Civil Protection Commission of a series of complaints.

In three points, about 80% of the firefighters present at the meeting warned of the “need for immediate distribution by ANEPC to the firefighters of complete personal protective equipment in compliance with INEM technical guide no. 09/2020, in quantity and quality according to the services performed “, considering that the” deliveries made so far are far below the needs “.

In the second complaint, the firefighters report “the immediate revision of the protocol with INEM, (art. 7-B law no. 42/2020 of 18 August), in order to mitigate the high costs of supplying the emergency service. pre-hospital emergency, or through the revision of the quarterly reimbursement tables and exit bonuses “.

At this point, the merged companies also underline that “it is urgent to review the protocol for the implementation of the PEMs as regards the reimbursement of insurance and vehicle maintenance”.

“In a pandemic context, the costs of disinfection / decontamination and vehicle detention are also added”, underlines the document, which also presents “the monthly average calculation of the additional cost of about 45 Euro / service to be paid by the voluntary firefighters” that “multiplied by the average number of monthly services, 12,000 occurrences, amounts to more than half a million euros, values ​​where associations are replacing the state and which are leading them to financial collapse”.

The signatories reiterate the “lack of institutional loyalty of INEM on the part of the partner firefighters in taking a unilateral decision to prohibit their collaborators who are cumulatively voluntary firefighters from exercising this function, threatening them with disciplinary proceedings”.

The document concludes that the “failure to carry out the above measures” and the “urgent revision of the protocol between AHBV / INEM / ANEPC within a maximum period of 72 hours, calls into question the provision of assistance and protection of the assets of the district population of Porta “.

At the end of this period, the document reads, “The firefighters of the Porto district will park the vehicles of the Emergency Medical Post (PEM) indefinitely, at the Regional Office of INEM-Norte, as a form of protest”.

Speaking with Lusa, the commander of the fire brigade of Coimbrões, Luís Araújo, stressed that the symbolic protest “will never question the provision of assistance with reserve ambulances, thus demonstrating the importance of participation in the Integrated Medical Emergency System. (SIEM) “.

Lusa tried to get a reaction from INEM, but so far it has not been possible.

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