releases an updated roadmap
After a period of relative inactivity, ICON has once again
started to churn out updates and new information on their current and future
efforts. And what better way is there to teach the public about these than a
release an updated roadmap.
The roadmap was published today and should lead
greater transparency and ease some of the community's concerns
regarding the future of the project. However, the thing is currently a bit?
full of typos and bad English that definitely will not help improve the audience
perception of this project.
This entire roadmap is divided into three sections:
blockchain technology, governance and ICON-based services.
The Blockchain technology section describes several areas
we will have worked on them:
- loopchain
(p-Rep / citizen nodes, websockets in citizen, synchronization system, ICON RPC
server, restore interrupt synchronization, transaction hash / management signature, block
rotation versions / generator, logger and SSL support) - ICON
Service (JSON-RPC API, ICX manager, prevalidator, SCORE package validator) - T-Bears
(SCORE based development environments based on the CLI that will allow you to test your smart
local contract in an emulated environment) - Interchain-BTP (Interchain PoC for ICON-Private Chain, Interchain PoC for ICON-Public
Chain, interchain SDK for public / private chain, etc.) - Parallel processing (a scalability solution for the project
Regarding governance,
ICON wants to use the SCORE infrastructure to run its chain
governance. Built-in management governance, runtime configuration support, package white list are just some of the features mentioned here. There
are some updates on the chain elections, IISS (functionality that measures e
distributes ICX incentives), as well as transaction fees.
Other points in the roadmap
include the ICONex desktop / mobile portfolio, an ICONest ICCO-based platform for ICOs
which does not require coding, ICON blockchain tracker, an app wallet for the Ledger
Updates Nano S, SCORE, database SDK for Java / Python / iOS, identification / key decentralized
management service, stablecoin solution, as well as DEX and also ICX-based
security token offers on the ICON platform.
This is a really ambitious roadmap, which will require
significant effort to complete. It is worth noting that many of the deadlines in
The previous ICON roadmap has never been completed, so one wonders how faithful they will remain
to this new This is not a problem for now as there are no clear deadlines
when anything called here should be ready. Only the clear date is next
update of the roadmap scheduled for January 31stst of 2019. Verification
here the complete roadmap here.
- Litecoin Foundation and X9 announce Lightning
Collaboration on the net
Litecoin announced
today they will collaborate with X9 Developers, an agnostic blockchain
team of developers who created and developed a project called Stakenet (XSN).
Stakenet Project
try to build a cross-chain interoperable future on top of the lightning
Network. This new collaboration should see Stakenet and X9 help Litecoin with the
maintenance, debugging and hardening of the lcd nodes, as well as address
potential expansions on the LN mentioned.
X9 developers have already implemented a beta version of
cross-chain atomic exchanges via the Lightning network available for testing
between XSN and LTC. Their current goal is to improve the user experience of
the LN and develop a "one click" solution for atomic LN exchanges. The collab is
it should make Lightning Network app development easier as the developer will not
must run a complete node more. redditor Yankeeruinx explains
The importance of this collaboration is detailed:
"Well, one of the
the biggest problems with LN are currently liquidity and decentralization. Stakenet
fix this using your MN network as Lightning Nodes at the moment
have about 1900 knots in order to solve the decentralization part. Regarding liquidity
Stakenet also uses the MN guarantee to provide liquidity in the network.
Once activated, they should become more liquid overnight than those of BTC on LN.
BTC currently has a capacity of around $ 1.7 million and currently Stakenet
would have over $ 3 million "
Lightning Network has recently accelerated,
with over 500 BTC currently
present on it.
- Tron
Compromised SuperRepresentative portfolio
Tron SuperRepresentative Tron-Europe is one of those SR
that were completely built by the community. While this may be useful for
decentralization, there is a possibility that an attacker joins the
community and compromise the effort. And it would seem that this is exactly
what happened with the mentioned TRON SR.
A blog post by Tron Europe & # 39; s Media revealed that a team
member has had some controversy lately. After reporting that he was robbed, the
the rest of the team removed him from his position on Tron Europa. However
it would seem that he was able to acquire the private key of the SR of Tron Europe
portfolio and has since continued to siphon funds in his personal accounts.
"These thefts have had the
as a consequence the prizes were sometimes distributed late in the recent
past and Dirk Frank, founder of Tron Europe, had to pay these prizes with his
own, private money " explains the project.
As such, Tron Europe has decided to change the address of its SR portfolio
and have published the new address in the ad. Promising to double the
awards in the next 3 days, they added that payments to the old portfolio will do so
Stop. Furthermore, the new project name will be SR-TRON-Europe, and not the
previously used Tron-Europa.
The popular ARK cryptography project continued their major activity
from when they went live with their ARK payment function.
ARK Pay is a simple open source library that provides
merchants with the ability to integrate ARK as a payment option in their online
Stores. It is also one of the key components of the ARK toolkit that it is intended to provide
developers with a plug-and-play module to allow easy implementation of ARK like
payment method.
This JavaScript support plugin exploits any ARK device
blockchain and is relatively simple to configure, says ARK in his official
ad. You can check the announcement here
to view further instructions for stores, end users and developers.
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