Tron (TRX Coin) Network Post Daily transaction volume of 40% of Ethereum

  Daily-Tron-Network-Transactions-Hit-40-of-Ethereums-Volume "title =" Daily-Tron-Network-Transactions-Hit-40-of-Ethereums-Volume "/> </div>
<p>  The total TRON Transactions (TRX) have increased dramatically, accounting for almost half of the daily transaction of the Ethereum network </p>
<p>  For August 19, data showed that the daily transaction of TRX in the span of two weeks peaked 416.497, with an average of 257,485. The total number of addresses also recorded a surge, reaching over 250,000 </p>
<p>  The Ethereum network, which saw a wave of 716,732 transactions by August 16th and subsequently fell to 577,239 in 24 hours, recorded an average daily transaction of 633,951 in the past week.With respect to the TRON transactions, it is clear that the average daily network of 2 months is about 40% compared to the Ethereum network of 3 years </p>
<h2>  Other Blockchain platforms invade the success of Ethereum Network [19659006] TRON is not the only blockchain platform that has recorded massive success on the Ethereum network; there have also been other platforms that have invaded the success of the 3-year network, recording large numbers. </p>
<p>  Recently, there was news that the blockchain Kin had surpassed the daily active users of all DApp (decentralized applications) on the Ethereum blockchain. According to Kin Explorer, which has the task of monitoring transactions and activities on the platform, there were then 8,364 active users, who were more than 7,700 active users registered on all Ethereum DApps. Since then, the gap has also extended to 11,932 active users on the Kin blockchain compared to 8,310 active users on Ethereum in the last 24 hours. </p>
<p>  Although TRX is recording this incredible growth, its price action and that of Ethereum suffered in 2018, with the two classified 11 <sup> th </sup> and 2 <sup> n </sup> respectively, second the AltDex 100 index, a benchmark index for large tokens and cryptocurrencies. [19659009] the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?<br />
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