TransLink CEO Says Payment Information Was Not Accessible During “Suspicious Network Activity”


NEW WESTMINSTER (NEWS 1130) – The problems commuters face for days on Vancouver’s subway transit were caused by a hack, multiple sources say.

Many of TransLink’s IT services were closed this week, and some still don’t work, causing confusion among bus and SkyTrain passengers.

Although the transit authority did not confirm the attack, calling it “suspicious network activity”, NEWS 1130 obtained a copy of the ransom note. This letter was sent by TransLink’s printers, according to sources, saying, “Your network has been attacked, your computers and servers have been blocked.”

The note from these hackers threatens to release some information in three days if TransLink does not fulfill its demands, which are not specified in this letter.

The hackers also order the transit authority to download a private browser to proceed.

In terms of public impact so far, the tap and pay feature has been disabled for a while, but is now up and running again. While commuters can’t yet load your compass cards using credit or debit cards, TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond said earlier in the day that he hopes it’ll be back up and running by the end of the week.

RELATED: Multiple TransLink Services Still Down Due to “Suspicious Network Activity”

A similar situation occurred in Montreal in October, when hackers asked for $ 2.8 million, although it is unclear if there is any connection.

The transit authority is currently conducting a forensic investigation in conjunction with the police following the activity, but TransLink continues to be vague as to what happened to the system.

Payment details not accessible, TransLink CEO suggests

Speaking publicly on Thursday for the first time since the start of this suspicious activity, Desmond suggested that customers’ payment details could not be accessed due to this situation.

“It is important to note that we generally do not have access to customer payment information, which is processed by secure third-party payment processors,” he said. “… All transit services continue to operate smoothly and without any impact. Customers can rest assured that there has been no compromise in our transportation safety systems. “

Unifor Local 111 chairman Balbir Mann also says the IT closures were a hack, but he was told that the bus drivers’ personal information was not compromised.

“We know they haven’t gone that far,” he says.

However, he claims that IT problems are affecting GPS functions on buses.

“At the moment they don’t know where the buses are, but we have a radio system, so if members need help they can still call,” Mann says. “We are in reserve mode, but things are slowly progressing.”

The investigation was announced on Tuesday, but in a statement on Wednesday, TransLink said, “As this is an active investigation involving law enforcement, we will limit our comment at this time.”

Watch: TransLink Disables Multiple Services While Investigating “Suspicious Network Activity”

-with files by Kurtis Doering

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