The best performing cryptocurrency of the day is the USD currency (USDC). It traded on 0.75% against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 06:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on 20 November 2018. The market capitalization for USDC is $ 145,276.637. The USD currency traded $ 34,757,726 on exchanges in the last 24 hours. A USDC token can currently be purchased for around $ 1.02 or 0.000226818 BTC on the major cryptocurrency bags. The outstanding USD amount is 142,645,859 USDC.
The biggest winners of cryptocurrency from the previous 24 hours:
Dai (DAI) gained 0.62% against the dollar. Today it trades at $ 1.01 or 0.000224595 BTC to $ 19.134,032 in volume today.
More information on USD Coin
USD currency (CRYPTO: USDC) launched on 05/17/2018. The official site is centre.iousdc. The official bulletin board for this is https://medium.com/centre-blog. His official Twitter account is @centre_io.
Purchase and sale of USD coins
USD coins can be bought or sold in the following cryptocurrency platforms: Poloniex, Coinbase Pro, OKEx, Coinsuper, CPDAX, Korbit, Kucoin, CoinEx, Hotbit, FCoin, LATOKEN, SouthXchange and Crex24. Most cryptocurrencies can not be purchased with US dollars. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin can be purchased with US dollars using Coinbase. After purchasing Bitcoin using Coinbase, you can transfer your Bitcoins to an exchange like Binance or Changelly. From there, you can buy other cryptocurrencies, including USDC.
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