This technology could be worth 3.1 trillion dollars by 2030


I can not tell you how excited I was with my friend Frank Holmes.

For those of you who do not know him, Frank has won numerous awards and honors as CEO and Chief Investment Officer at U.S. Global Investors Inc. (Nasdaq: GROW).

It is a boutique investment management company specializing in actively managed equity and bond strategies. Frank and his company are also some of the most savvy people in the world when it comes to metals and mines.

This is why I started following his career first. The fact is that I have been involved with strategic and mineral metals most of my adult life.

We discover that Frank and I still have one thing in common. We are both great believers in the disruptive power of blockchain technology. In fact, Frank and his associates have recently interviewed me for a profile that I have republished, and that you can access here.

In particular, Frank's editors wanted to know where the blockchain was heading.

It's no surprise, actually, since many people we chat with here also have questions about what blockchain technology is and what it represents in terms of potential profit.

That's why today I'll show you what Frank and I discussed in the interview.

And I will go further and explain what I see as the great opportunities that await us with blockchain technology …

Check it out…

A fatal meeting

I was lucky enough to meet Frank at the end of October at the Money Map Press Black Diamond Conference. We started by presenting ourselves together on stage for a round table.

After that appearance, I made sure to participate in both of its investor presentations. They were fantastic, but I particularly liked his conversation about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Frank later took part in my presentation on cannabis investments, in which I also talked about my track record of being one of the first analysts in the country to suggest that people buy Bitcoin in the summer of 2013. At the time , Bitcoin was trading at around $ 90; it exceeded $ 19,700 in the past year.

So I can not tell you how flattered I am that Frank wanted to hear more of my thoughts on blockchain technology. Of course, there is no way to cover everything in that conversation.

More precisely, over the last few weeks, I have received many questions on this subject. People only have difficulty orientating themselves.

I understand why, and I will try to clarify some of the confusion in today's chat. But first, I want you to know what's at stake here.

Gartner says blockchain technology generated $ 4 billion in commercial value in 2017. The company believes the figure will reach $ 21 billion by 2020, before rising to $ 176 billion in 2025, and beyond an amazing trillion of $ 3.10 by 2030.

Unfortunately, despite all the money put up for grabs here, the average investor finds it difficult to understand the blockchain technology. So today I will do my best to simplify it.

What is Blockchain?

We begin by stating that there is no such thing as "the blockchain". In reality, there are many of these today. Some are private – think of corporate blockchains between a consortium of companies in the supply chain business – some are public, such as Bitcoin (BATS: BTC) and Ethereum (BATS: ETH), and some are hybrid systems. Many are linked to specific cryptocurrencies, again, like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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Another point of confusion is the affiliation of blockchain with Bitcoin. Although it is true that we would not have Bitcoin without that basic technology, there is much more than any single form of digital money.

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About the author

Michael A. Robinson he is one of the best financial analysts working today. His book "Overdrawn: The Bailout of American Savings" was a foreshadowing look at the anatomy of the nation's S & L crisis, long before the word "rescue" became part of our everyday vocabulary. He is a writer and journalist nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, praised by the Columbia Journalism Review for his aggressive style. His thirty-year experience as a leading technical analyst has also garnered rave reviews. Today he is the editor of the monthly newsletter dedicated to technical investment Nova-X report as well as Profits of radical technology, where it covers truly radical technologies – those that have the power to sweep the globe and change the very fabric of our lives – and the profit opportunities they give rise to. Explore also "what will happen" in the world of technological investments Strategic technological investor.

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