Think about industry in the Arab world


With the spread of the functionalism of science and culture, scientific production has become mainly from master’s and doctoral studies and research.

With the maturity and refinement of societies, the level of ideas and thinkers in them will be, because thought is a natural product of the culture of a society and a spontaneous product of the consciousness of rational people among its members, and consequently and with it, companies build their future. Thought cannot be fabricated, nor can it be created, because it is a kind of queen, or a talent that ignites in certain minds She has qualified for a lot of study, reading and meditation, has released her energies and employed her skills in deconstruction and in Turkish. And the people of the language say that thought can come from rubbing, which is rubbing the meanings and analyzing them into their most accurate contents, and rubbing the meanings into each other and generating new meanings.

Arab societies knew in earlier stages – before the emergence of satellite TV, the Internet and social media – the natural pattern of the birth of thinkers and their exit from the womb of their isolation and the caverns of their creativity, into the general collective consciousness. of society. Through their new ideas, visions and innovative proposals that arouse surprise and interest and push readers to follow them and look for their production. Their production appeared in a single image; They are books, studies, or in-depth articles in sober cultural journals, and readers and those interested discuss their ideas, quarrel, struggle, prejudice or hostile. In any case, the result of this process has been the creation of a state of passion for the ideas they produce that prompts those interested to take the trouble to walk the streets in libraries and antique book markets in search of a book to one of them.

This process is almost a general pattern in the world, although some societies pursue the creation of ideas in similar ways, but it is more complex and intertwined and a multiplicity of means. In the United States of America, the idea emerges in its embryonic stage in the form of a newspaper article, and if it’s worth it, talk shows on radio and television circulate it, then if it’s proven to be a matter of concern. research and books are written, then there is a consensus on it that represents a central idea in the culture of society, then it will enter This idea is in the curricula of public education: if the cultural class sees it as an important idea of civilization, it turns into a movie, and if it is decided that it is one of the pillars and pillars of civilization, the movie will win an Oscar.

And if we go back to the Arab reality in which we live today in the era of open spaces; Through satellite TV, the Internet and social media, we will find a completely different reality that does not belong to what the Arab world was like before this stage, nor does it belong to any other human experience anywhere on the planet. The distance between the thinker and ideas has widened and it is no longer necessary for the person who bestowed the thinker to be an idea producer, or even a good seller of ideas. The “thinker” has become a title, not an adjective. Our Arab culture is generous in granting titles to those who have nothing to do with it, as this culture called the blind the title Basir, and on one eye only the title Karim Ayn.

With the spread of the functionalism of science and culture, scientific production is derived mainly from master’s and doctoral studies and research is mainly aimed at achieving bureaucratic functional objectives. In connection with the acquisition of a livelihood and promotion at work, or the possession of a social status, or more decorations and decorations to satisfy self-inflated desires, and cultural production has become a torrent of many means to earn a living and making a living through the proceeds of sales, or the possibilities of rewards, and the production of ideas is no longer a goal or an end in itself.

Therefore, the attribute of thought is produced in innovative, new and unprecedented ways in Arab cultural traditions, where we find many good at writing and reading define themselves on social media pages as a thinker, and sometimes an Islamic thinker or a national thinker , and it is a kind of self-glorification and veneration, and is transferred from them by Li law, adding to their names the attribute of a thinker.

As for the body that has become a monopoly of the intellectual industry in the Arab world today it is the satellite channels, especially those run by governments like Al-Jazeera and its sisters, or commercial ones like satellite businessmen. In these satellite channels, the thinker industry is monopolized by a group of programmers, who are mostly young with the goal of their college education, but they control the selection of the guests they want, and add to them the qualities and titles they want. he likes them, or that the guest requires, and with the frequent appearance of the guest he settles into the collective consciousness He is a thinker, and at times he is a great thinker.

The danger of this situation lies when it is linked to Islam, and the label of an Islamic thinker is given to those who cannot formulate a single idea, but rather promote dead ideas from earlier historical periods, or repackage deadly ideas from historical periods. dark. Either way, the character of a thinker turns into a kind of fraud and deception to market damaged or corrupted goods, which cause unlimited destruction of minds and hearts, especially among the younger generation, and ISIS and its crimes, Al Qaeda and its sisters are nothing more than the product of those thinkers who have not produced ideas, but marketed and sold poisons.

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