They reveal which is the most reliable Android phone in the world


In compiling the list, the experts considered three criteria: “software”, security updates and build quality.

The experts of the analysis firm Counterpoint Research have published a list of the most reliable smartphones in the world based on the Android operating system. Nokia was the leader from the rankings for the second consecutive year.

“Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. These amazing pieces of technology not only help us stay in touch with our family, friends and colleagues via voice and video calls, but also allow us to take photos, play games, watch movies. and TV programs and surfing the Internet, “wrote the specialists.

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And as people started using smartphones for business purposes more frequently during the pandemic, Android security updates now play an even more important role. In this way, manufacturers must take care of data protection, Counterpoint Research noted.

In compiling the list, the company’s experts took this new situation into account and based their assessments on three criteria. Smartphones were evaluated for “software”, security updates and build quality.

And while Nokia performs best against these criteria, according to the report I am experiencing the worst. The second place is occupied by the smartphones of OnePlus, which is part of the Chinese holding BBK. In third place there was Samsung.

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