Although the cryptocurrency could be compared to the current winter conditions, it would be ignorant to state that the blockchain industry does not attract some heavyweights of technology.
Over the past year, technology and social media giants such as Facebook, Google and Apple have lost employees in the burgeoning blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. In this list, we explore the companies that have acquired expert experts from the already established Goliath companies.
Harmony, a consensus platform designed for high production rates, was founded by Stephen Tse and now boasts a number of former technology giants employees. Tse himself has worked for both Apple and Google and now runs the company that works with Leo Chen who left Amazon Web Services after four years, and former Apple employee Alok Kothari who contributed to the co-found of Harmony. Kothari worked for Apple for three years before expanding to take a job as a blockchain company engineer.
Consensys Labs
Consensys Labs, founded by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin, acquired the skills of Netflix former employee Ryan Lechner in 2017 to expand the platform's investments and manage some of the existing ones. From binging-streaming to blockchain, Lechner hopes to start "[b]Redeem internet for fun and profit [at] ConsenSys Labs ".
One of the first three cryptocurrency companies traded, Ripple got the service of former Facebook employee Kahina van Dyke as senior vice president of the company. With the experience of Facebook, MasterCard and Citibank, van Dyke has refined the skills in payment procedures and plans of business systems. As he passed from Facebook to Ripple, van Dyke commented:
"[W]We need a new global technology solution for international payments that offers interoperability with existing systems, linking them and exploiting their value … Ripple offers a real solution to eliminate friction in cross-border payments and is delivering value to real customers Right now. "
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