The universe is getting hotter, according to New Research


Universal heating

Over the past 10 billion years, the universe has become increasingly hot.

In fact, a team of scientists from the University of Tokyo and Ohio State University found that the average temperature of gases in the universe increased tenfold during that time period. It turns out that the ongoing process of creating new galaxies also heats everything around it.

Burn carpet

Drag all that stuff together into new stars and galaxies, according to research published by the team The Astrophysical Journal last month, it essentially gives a blanket burn to all the particles around them.

“As the universe evolves, gravity pulls dark matter and gas into space together into galaxies and galaxy clusters,” Yi-Kuan Chiang, lead author of the study and Ohio astrophysicist, said in a news release. State. “The resistance is violent, so violent that more and more gasoline is shocked and heated.”

Vase looked at

To find out the temperature shift, the scientists measured the heat of the gases based on their distance from Earth. Since the light from distant stars and galaxies takes time to reach us, looking at distant objects is also like looking back in time.

The farther they looked, the more temperatures seemed to drop, indicating that everything warmed up over time.

READ MORE: The universe is getting hot, hot, hot, a new study suggests [Ohio State News]

More about the universe: Scientist: Knowing how the universe will die comforts me


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