The three major A-stock indices fell collectively and the home appliance sector led the decline | The three major stock indices A home appliances-Financial News


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China Securities Network Lin Qian

On the morning of November 24, the three major A stock indices fell collectively, with the home appliance sector leading the decline. According to Wind data, the Shanghai Composite index fell by 0.07% to 3412.08 points; the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.17% to 13931.68 points; the ChiNext index fell by 0.17% to 2681.92 points. Half-day turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 519.69 billion yuan.

The 28 industrial sectors of Shenwan Grade 1 were mixed. Among them, the leisure services sector led the two cities’ earnings, with the defense and military, steel and communications industries leading the rise; appliances, building materials, the medical and biological sectors all decreased.

In the concepts industry, conceptual sectors such as rare earths, lithium mining, semiconductor and semiconductor packaging and testing ranked among the top earners; Conceptual sectors such as vaccines, gold jewelry, biological vaccines and innovative drugs have ranked the main declines.

Centaline titlesHe said investors are advised to pay close attention to investment opportunities in sectors such as wine, automobiles, chemicals, cement and building materials and non-ferrous metal automobiles in the short term. The middle line recommends continuing to pay attention to investment opportunities in some low valued blue chip stocks.

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Responsible editor: Ma Qiuju SF186


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