The text of the speech "Aboul Gheit" during the conference "Mashreq on the economic empowerment of women"


The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, addressed the inaugural session of the "Mashreq Conference on Women's Economic Emancipation", thanking the Lebanese government for its hospitality and hospitality in Beirut.

Aboul Gheit said in his speech before the conference:

We meet today on the eve of the fourth session of the Arab economic and social summit, chaired by the Lebanese Republic. On this occasion, I offer my sincere thanks to the Presidency for the great and capable efforts in supporting the preparations for the Summit on Development, which we all aspire to achieve. In which the Arab region is passing and which is most clearly reflected on the fragile groups of our societies, such as women and children

I am pleased to note here that the summit agenda includes a number of issues for women's empowerment and the promotion of their health, social and economic rights. The challenges faced by women are different in many parts of the Arab world, whether these challenges are historic or rooted in society because of poverty, lack of basic health, education or other services or conflicts in the region in recent years, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, in addition to what we see as the continuation of the historical suffering of Palestinian women under Israeli occupation, are the subject of our concern and interest in the Arab League and one of the main axes of our cooperation with the various actors involved in the field of empowerment. Tsada

For women at national, regional and international levels, in the awareness of the need to work to alleviate the negative repercussions of these challenges on Arab women by all available means.

Distinguished guests,

The work program of this important conference addresses a number of important and urgent issues related to the promotion of social change and the role of the private sector as an essential driver for the emancipation of women and girls, a particularly important and growing aspect in the light of of the current sensitive and unprecedented period in the Arab region,

Dear public

The question of the integration of women into economic life and the sensitization of Arab society on the importance of the central role played by women and the need to involve them in the labor market, especially in view of the growing need for manpower, has become one of the main issues at the regional level. Economic development, and we do not lose sight of the link between the economic emancipation of women and other issues, including issues of social protection for women, the elimination of poverty, access to health services and educational issues, all of which are at the heart of sustainable development goals 2030 International and regional levels.

I am pleased to note in this context the efforts undertaken by the Secretariat-General of the League of Arab States in the implementation of the Cairo Declaration and the Strategic Plan of Action for the 2030 Arab Women's Development Plan adopted by the 28th session of the Council of League of Arab States at the summit held in the Kingdom of Jordan In March 2017, which represents the summary of visions, attitudes and opinions developed by experts, stakeholders and Arab civil society and presented by the Member States of the University, which included particular attention to strengthening the economic participation of women, the Secretariat collaborates with the Member States Follow up the measures taken to implement this plan through the development of indicators for the measurement at the Arab level which determine the progress made in the 39. implementation of the strategic action plan and to enable preparation d progress reports to measure the status of women in the Arab region.

On the other hand, it is important for the whole world to witness the continuing fluctuations and changes in economic life. It is important for the Arab League to put the issue of women's economic emancipation in the eye. Efforts made by the Secretariat and Member States underline the values, principles and objectives contained in regional and international conventions and cards In particular, on women's rights in general and economic emancipation, and in line with the objectives of sustainable development, in particular the fifth objective ( paragraph 5.5), which includes the guarantee of women's economic participation in public life and emphasizes the importance of full implementation and effective for all internationally agreed conventions that are relevant for achieving gender equality.

Ladies and gentlemen …

The League of Arab States is working diligently and continuously, in cooperation with various governmental mechanisms in the Member States and regional and international organizations concerned, to develop policies that address women's issues in the Arab region in order to ensure effective and serious coordination between them. mechanisms and programs within a coherent work system It aims to improve the status of women in the pursuit of global sustainable development in its broad sense, so that one of the main objectives of the work of this system is to create a full awareness of the central role of women in society and the need to consolidate the rule of equal opportunities and equality between men and women and empower women politically, economically and socially.

In conclusion, I take this opportunity to renew my gratitude to the Lebanese people and to the government for all the efforts made to carry out joint Arab action and to our partners of the World Bank and the Canadian Government to support the 39. organization of this important conference and hope that his work is successful and successful. The economic emancipation of women and girls and the provision of decent work opportunities for them and their safety, bearing in mind that the economic emancipation of women in the evolving work environment is a fundamental objective sustainable development.

Thank you for the follow-up "The text of the word" Aboul Gheit "during the conference" Mashreq on the economic empowerment of women "on" Rehan News ", and we want to follow us on our channels through social media to follow the events and the latest developments, with best regards.

source: Newspaper At Watan

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