The province places limits on VLTs in local pubs; Calgary man says he’s hurting business


CALGARY – A local business owner, who insists his COVID-19 prevention plan follows everything the province has set out, says a new rule is driving away his regular clientele.

Under the new province limits announced on Tuesday, all establishments offering customers the lottery display terminal (VLT) service must close them if they have fewer than 15 machines in their business.

Peter Virk, owner of the Stonewall Pub in Calgary, learned of the problem after receiving an email from the province on Friday. He knew it was a big deal when he got a call from one of his regulars.

“The only places open are those that have exceeded the 15 VLT limit,” he says. “That’s when he phoned me and said he would rather play here because of the maintenance and cleaning we are able to do with the nine machines.”

Virk knew of the province’s restrictions on pool tables and darts, but says that without offering his customers his VLTs, “it really doesn’t make sense to be open to business.”

“That’s half our clientele during the day. Now, there’s staff, there are two (clients) and everyone flocks to where the VLTs are.”

calgary, vlt, peter virk, pub stonewall, lottery,


The province confirmed to CTV News that the restrictions for the Alberta enhanced status area announced on November 24 include limits on what small entertainment businesses can offer.

Currently, those offering food and drink may only allow seated eating and drinking.

“No other services or entertainment will be permitted, including VLT, pool, games or darts,” said Heather Holmen, communications manager for Alberta Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis.

However, he says that larger companies that operate more than 15 VLTs are considered “gaming entertainment centers” and are treated the same as casinos, racing entertainment centers and bingo halls.

“These venues are allowed to continue gaming operations (excluding table games under the new restrictions) and are limited to 25% of the Alberta Fire Code occupancy,” says Holmen.

He adds that the rules are meant to restrict contact between people in the community, allowing companies to offer certain services.

calgary, vlt, peter virk, pub stonewall, lottery,

Virk contests the new rules, especially since it has implemented a thorough procedure, so it’s about protecting its repeat customers from contracting COVID-19.

“We maintain strict standards: every second table is closed, they are disinfecting equipment everywhere. We have confirmed and we have not had a case or anyone here who knows of anyone who has had a case.

“Even when we were open in May, we chose to close at 10pm because we didn’t want customers from other establishments to come here after they closed. Our bubble here was pretty much a local, neighborhood bubble.”

Although he understands that rules must be in place to protect people, he wants it to be a “level playing field”.

“The little guy gets hurt, the guy who has nine machines. (But) people who have more than 15 can keep them (and keep) them open. Casinos are open, which for health reasons, I think is a bit opposite of what they are trying to achieve. “

As it stands, Virk says he will take a look at how much business he is able to carry out over the next few days but expects it to close soon if nothing changes.


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