The United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia were panicked when several organizations received e-mails from bomb threats. The e-mails require $ 20,000 to be paid in bitcoins or the explosives would be detonated.
Dozens of e-mails were received from schools, institutions and commercial offices. While all e-mails are similar in context, the address of the wallet continues to change. The New York police have rejected many emails like this as a hoax. Although the building under the target has been evacuated with immediate action.
As for the different e-mails, explosives range from tetryl, trinitrotoluene and exogenous. The e-mail states that the explosives are small and not detectable, however, the explosive impact could lead to a significant number of victims.
FBI, police departments and other forces of order are trying to keep the panic under control. The official buildings of Infinity Ward, Facebook, the Toronto subway stations were evacuated and closed. The agency has been in constant communication with local investigative agencies and is asking the local population to remain vigilant.
The source of the emails was traced to originate from Russia even if no transactions were registered on any of the shared Bitcoin wallet addresses. The forces of the order have witnessed similar e-mails of hoax threats even before, but until today no explosive incident has been reported.