Ethereum (CURRENCY: ETH) sold 5.6% against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 0:00 AM E.T. December 22nd. Ethereum has a market capitalization of $ 12.38 billion and about $ 2.16 billion of Ethereum were traded on the stock exchange on the last day. An Ethereum currency can currently be purchased for $ 118.63 or 0.03321815 BTC on popular exchanges including Poloniex, Sistemkoin, HitBTC and UEX. In the last week, Ethereum reported a 24% decline against the US dollar.
Here's how they did the similar cryptocurrencies on the last day:
- Ethereum Classic (ETC) fell 5.4% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 4.30 or 0.00120515 BTC.
- Callisto Network (CLO) fell 4.4% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0037 or 0.00000103 BTC.
- Musicoin (MUSIC) sold 3.2% less than the dollar and now trades at $ 0.0009 or 0.00000026 BTC.
- Akroma (AKA) sold 3.4% less than the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0111 or 0.00000312 BTC.
- The bow head (AHT) has contracted against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0244 or 0.00000377 BTC.
- Ellaism (ELLA) sold 7.6% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0102 or 0.00000285 BTC.
- Elementrem (ELE) traded at the pot against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0047 or 0.00000120 BTC.
- DaxxCoin (DAXX) was trading lower against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0001 or 0.00000003 BTC.
- WhaleCoin (WHL) was trading lower against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0007 or 0.00000019 BTC.
- Bitcoin (B2G) fell 4.6% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0236 or 0.00000662 BTC.
About Ethereum
Ethereum (ETH) is a proof-of-work currency (PoW) that uses the Ethash hashing algorithm. The launch date was July 30, 2015. The total offer of Ethereum is 104,362,503 coins. The official Ethereum website is www.ethereum.org. The official Twitter account of Ethereum is @ethereumproject and his Facebook page is accessible here. The Reddit community for Ethereum is / r / ethereum and the currency Github account can be viewed here. The official Ethereum bulletin board is forum.ethereum.org.
According to CryptoCompare, "Sandwich complexity model: the lower-level architecture of Ethereum should be as simple as possible and the interfaces of Ethereum (including the high-level programming languages for developers and the user interface for users) should be as comprehensible as possible.When complexity is unavoidable, it should be included in the protocol "middle layers", which are not part of the basic consensus but are not seen by end users – high-level language compilers , topic serialization and deserialization scripts, data structure model storage, leveldb storage interface and thread protocol, etc. However, this preference is not absolute Freedom: users should not be restricted as regards their use of the Ethereum protocol and we should not try to preferentially favor or discourage certain types of contracts or Ethereum transactions based on the nature of their purpose. This is similar to the guiding principle behind the concept of "net neutrality". An example of this principle that is not followed is the situation in the Bitcoin transaction protocol in which the use of blockchain for "off-label" purposes (eg data storage, meta-protocols) is discouraged, and in some explicit changes to the quasi-protocol (eg 40-byte OP_RETURN restriction) are made to attempt to attack applications using blockchain in "unauthorized" ways. In Ethereum, however, we strongly prefer the approach of setting up transaction fees in such a way as to be approximately incentivable, so that users who use blockchain in productive ways magnify the cost of their activities (for example, Pigovian taxation ). Generalization: protocol features and opcodes in Ethereum should incorporate low-level concepts to the maximum, so that they can be combined in arbitrary ways, including ways that may not seem useful today but could become useful later, and therefore a set Low-level concepts can be made more efficient by eliminating some of its functionality when it is not needed. An example of this principle that is followed is our choice of an opcode LOG as a way of feeding information (particularly client light) dapps, instead of simply recording all transactions and messages as suggested internally earlier – the concept of " message "is actually the agglomeration of multiple concepts, including" function call "and" interesting event for external observers ", and it is worth separating the two. No feature: as a corollary to the generalization, the development team often refuses to build even high-level use cases also very common as intrinsic parts of the protocol, with the awareness that if people really want to do so they can always create a subtitle -protocol (eg undercorrected ether, bitcoin / litecoin / dogecoin sidechain, etc.) within a contract. An example of this is the lack of a "locktime" feature similar to Bitcoin in Ethereum, as this function can be simulated through a protocol in which users send "signed data packets" and such data packets can be inserted into a specialized contract that processes them and performs some corresponding functions if the data package is in some sense specific to the valid contract. No risk aversion: the development team is okay with higher risk levels if a risk-increasing change provides very substantial benefits (for example, generalized state transitions, 50x faster turnaround times, consensus efficiency , etc.) "
Purchase and sale of Ethereum
Ethereum can be purchased or sold in the following cryptocurrency platforms: LBank, B2BX, ZB.COM, BX Thailand, IDAX, FCoin, Exmo, Huobi, CoinEgg, Liqui, CPDAX, Coinsuper, Coinone, OEX, Livecoin, Rfinex, DragonEX, Korbit , Hotbit, OKEx, Bittrex, Bithumb, Coinhub, Coinbase Pro, Binance, TOPBTC, GOPAX, Kryptono, OOOBTC, CEX.IO, DigiFinex, IDCM, Kucoin, Bancor Network, LATOKEN, Kraken, ABCC, Gate.io, HitBTC, Neraex , Poloniex, OasisDEX, CoinTiger, CoinEx, MBAex, Bibox, Cobinhood, xBTCe, BitMart, BiteBTC, Bitfinex, Vebitcoin, Coindeal, YoBit, BTC, Liquid, Cryptonex, Instant Bitex, Covesting, Allbit, TDAX, Bitsane, BtcTurk, BtcTrade. im, Fatbtc, Mercatox, RightBTC, BTC-Alpha, Sistemkoin, Upbit, HADAX, EXX, C2CX, UEX, BitBank, LocalTrade, BigONE, Exrate, Allcoin, Gemini, Bitlish, BitForex, Bit-Z, Indodax, IDEX, CoinBene, Simex, ChaoEX, BCEX, Coinsquare, Bitstamp, DDEX and DOBI. Investors seeking to exchange Ethereum using US dollars directly can do so using Changelly, Gemini or Coinbase.
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