On Sunday, China's oldest technology media publication, the Beijing Sci-Tech Report (BSTR) also known as "Technology Life", announced that the company is accepting bitcoin core (BTC) for 2019 subscriptions of the magazine.
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The Beijing Sci-Tech Report now accepts BTC for 2019 registrations
The Beijing Sci-Tech Report (BSTR) is one of the oldest scientific and technological publications in China. The organization of publishing press media deriving from his & # 39;Life of technology& # 39; Group of authors, and also publishes the contents approved by the well-known US scientific journal Popular science. This weekend the magazine has announced that will accept BTC for subscriptions to its 2019 publications. The cost to register for BSTR will be 0.01 BTC (about 450 yuan or $ 65 USD).
The Beijing-based publication has written reports on cryptocurrencies in the past and on the use of blockchain technology. According to the press release, the announcement of accepting BTC was determined by the magazine's desire to promote blockchain technology in a real context for "practical actions".
"For a long time blockchain technology has also been the subject of in-depth tracking reports offered by Science Science and Technology Report and Technology Life," the magazine details of the press release.
Embrace payment technology to grow new readers
An interesting fact about BSTR that accepts bitcoin, the company says, is that if the price of BTC will grow significantly by 2020, they will also offer reimbursement to those who have subscribed to the use of the digital currency. A translated BSTR statement explains the hopes of publishing "cultivating new readers" by embracing payment technology.
The Sci-Tech report in Beijing is not the only publication that has tried to attract readers by accepting cryptocurrencies. Back in 2014 Built-in time announced accept BTC via Coinbase for subscriptions a Luck, good health, travel and leisure time, is This old house. In April of the same year, the Chicago Sun-Times he also revealed that he would accept BTC for payments. However, both publishers have removed the BTC payment option. The Sci-Tech report in Beijing being a technology-oriented magazine could have more luck than its periodic predecessors.
What do you think of the Beijing Sci-Tech Report (BSTR) that accepts BTC for 2019 subscriptions? Let us know what you think of this story in the comments section below.
Images via Shutterstock, BSTR and Pixabay.
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