The novel protein imaging method paves the way for next generation biomaterials and tissue analysis



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Scientists have established a new method for visualizing proteins that could lead to new discoveries in disease through biological analysis of tissues and cells and the development of new biomaterials that can be used for the next generation of delivery systems. drugs and medical devices.

University of Nottingham scientists in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and the National Physics Laboratory used the state-of-the-art OrbiSIMS 3-D tool to facilitate the first in situ matrix-free and labeled assignment of intact proteins to surfaces with minimal sample preparation. Their research was published today in Nature Communications.

The University of Nottingham is the first university in the world to own an OrbiSIMS 3-D tool. It is capable of facilitating an unprecedented level of molecular mass spectral analysis for a wide range of materials (hard and soft matter, biological cells and tissues). The Nottingham facility also has high pressure freeze cryopreparation facilities that allow biological samples to be kept close to their native state as frozen-hydrated to complement the more commonly applied but more disruptive sample freeze drying and fixation. When surface sensitivity, high mass / spatial resolution are combined with a depth profile spray beam, the tool becomes an extremely powerful tool for 3-D chemical analysis, as demonstrated in this recent work.

Dr David Scurr of the University of Nottingham School of Pharmacy led this latest study and was supported by Ph.D. student Anna Kotowska. David said, “The design and innovation of the next generation of biomaterials is underpinned by the ability to accurately characterize biological tissues and materials. The challenge for scientists in this area has been to unravel the chemical complexity of such systems. Protein analyzes have been demonstrated using extreme examples to illustrate its sensitivity and specificity by chemically mapping a protein monolayer (protein biochip) and the distribution of specific proteins in human skin (complex multilayer biological system) respectively. ability to chemically map proteins in this way we are one step closer to being able to understand fundamental biological processes and develop more effective systems to target drugs and provide coatings for medical devices.

The Nottingham team has already applied biomaterial research to create a new type of urinary catheter in collaboration with Camstent Ltd, coated with a bacteria-resistant material discovered by scientists at the University of Nottingham.

Professor Morgan Alexander is director of the EPSRC Grant program in Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery and the 3-D OrbiSIMS facility, said: ‘The research we are now able to do using this tool is paving the way for gradual changes in how materials can be used in medicine to better treat diseases and diseases. The catheter coating we developed in collaboration with Camstent has gone from discovering a new class of materials that no one could have predicted to clinical trials and is a prime example of the application of this type of research. “

Paula Mendes, Professor of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at the University of Birmingham, adds: “With these new capabilities to characterize proteins on surfaces, there are also exciting new opportunities to design functional materials with predictable protein interactions for biosensor technology.” .

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More information:
Nature Communications (2020). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-020-19445-x

Provided by the University of Nottingham

Quote: New Protein Imaging Method Paves the Way for Next Generation Biomaterials and Tissue Analysis (2020, November 17) recovered November 17, 2020 from protein-imaging-method-paves-biomaterials.html

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