According to a report by MoneyControl and data provided by CoinCodeCap, Cardano (ADA) was the most developed platform in 2018. There are only two top 10 virtual currencies that were among the most developed networks on the market, Ethereum (ETH) and Tron (TRX). Although Bitcoin (BTC) is the most popular, it ranked 52nd.
At the end of 2018, new studies were conducted on the past year. According to data provided by CoinCodeCap, Cardano was the most actively developed digital resource last year. As reported by this website, the cryptocurrency has received more than 45,700 commits in its code repositories.
The second virtual currency classified by CoinCodeCap was Augur (REP) which recorded 21,644 commits. In the third positions it has been classified as 0x (ZRX) which was recently added by Coinbase to its trading platform. 0x had 18.095 commit. Surprisingly, after these three virtual currencies, Ethereum was ranked with 15.617 commits. At the time of writing, Ethereum is the second largest virtual currency on the market.
One of the developers of CoinCodeCap commented on the commit:
"A commit, or" revision ", is an individual modification to a file (or series of files) .It's like saving a file, except with Git, every time you save it, it creates a unique ID (that is," SHA " or "hash") that allows you to track what changes have been made when and by whom Commits usually contain a commit message that is a brief description of what changes have been made. "
The other virtual currencies are classified where Lisk (LSK) with 14.754 commit, Status (SNT) with 13.534 commit, Tron with 12.283 commit, Komodo (KMD) with 12.173 commit, Skycoin (SKY) with 12.068 commit and Waves (WAVES) with 11.732 commit. Of these coins, there are only three top 20 scrambled, Cardano, Ethereum and Tron.
These commits show the work being done in each of the networks. If there is a virtual currency with few commits or the team behind does not work anymore, or there is little interest in that specific currency. In general, today, people tend to focus on price rather than development. Considering the price and the commit could be a good way to understand if a coin is too expensive.
At the time of writing this article, Cardano is the eleventh largest cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of $ 1.15 billion. Each ADA token can be purchased for $ 0.044233.
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