The mystery of the lights seen in the Hawaiian sky has been solved


In a disturbing moment captured by the camera, bright lights were seen over Hawaii, a US state, as experts said it was a rocket launched from China over 12 years ago.

According to local media reports, scientists from Hawaii say the bright lights seen over Honolulu were likely the remnants of a rocket from nearly 12 years ago.

Venesat-1 was launched on a Chinese carrier rocket on October 29, 2008, but has been out of service since March 2020.

The moment was witnessed by several people on different islands, who saw these lights in the sky shortly after 10pm on Saturday.

An eyewitness recounting the moments said, “I started filming, and when they got close, I start to freak out because I was like, ‘Oh, what the hell is this?'”.

“We actually didn’t even know what to think. We didn’t know what it was, where it came from, “said Sheri English, who also lives in Molokai.” It just appeared. It was actually a creepy, eerie feeling. “

Mauna Kea observer experts offered an explanation of the bright lights.

Learn more: WATCH: Fireball lights up the sky, is captured by the camera

“So, in all likelihood, what they saw last night was the reentry of a rocket that came from a rocket launched in 2008 … a Chinese rocket that was upgrading a communications satellite for Venezuela,” the chief scientist John O’Meara, of the WM Keck Observatory, told local Hawaii media.

Over the past 12 years, the rocket booster has decayed. The astronomers found a map of the object’s flight path, which was close to Hawaii.

“So we can’t be 100% sure because we don’t have any of the pieces of debris. But the pattern of lights we saw in our timelapse combined with this map, ”said Mary Beth Laychak, Director of Strategic Communications for Canada France Hawaii Telescope.




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