The Mediterranean Seven is great for Blockchain


Earlier this week, seven major EU countries announced the creation of a new working group called Seven Mediterranean, in order to further promote and explore blockchain technology and blockchain-based solutions.

The group will be led by representatives from Malta and France. This is significant because Malta is the official home of Binance, so you can get your basic Bitcoin that Binance has a lot to say in this. Other members include representatives of; Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Portugal.

Island of blockchain of Malta

Malta is slowly becoming the island of blockchains and so it is not exactly a shock to see Malta taking this group forward. Malta simply wants to cultivate a positive approach to blockchain and cryptocurrency across Europe, so it is working as tightly as possible with their neighbors to ensure that this happens. They see a future in the blockchain that most other European countries fail to recognize and therefore have a certain responsibility to ensure that a positive message is spread across the industry and its technologies across the continent.

Furthermore, Malta recognizes that once Europe supports Bitcoin, the rest of the world could also continue.

Second CCNThe presence of Maltas in the Mediterranean is more important than one might think:

"Malta's involvement in the initiative could have a positive effect on the European cryptocurrency industry in general, as it indirectly demonstrates the approval of the other six countries in the declaration of Malta's efforts to facilitate the growth of the local cryptocurrency market. The seven Mediterranean training follows the G20's appeal, a forum of government officials representing 20 of the world's largest economies, to monitor and regulate cryptocurrencies as a class of activity and the market surrounding it. "

The Minister of Innovation, Silvio Schembri, commented on the recent announcement of the Mediterranean seven, showing that they are more than just a cryptocurrency in this, and want to cultivate the entire blockchain industry:

"Malta is the world's first legislator to offer a regulatory environment for all blockchain technology." We are not only interested in cryptocurrencies. "

This is a group that we should all keep an eye on, we hope that something very positive comes from this for European countries!

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