The lunar telescope could see the first space news about the stars


Scientists have revisited an ambitious plan for a telescope on the moon able to observe the first stars formed billions of years ago.
Such a telescope – made of liquid – would be able to show the birth of the first galaxies in the universe, according to University of Texas astronomers.
The concept was first discussed by NASA ten years ago, but the plan was shelved. They are ready to publish their study in The Astrophysical Journal.
An artistic impression of the liquid moon telescope. (Roger Angel et al / University of Arizona) (Provided)

Scientists have speculated that the very first stars formed 13 billion years ago, before galaxies joined.

“This first light moment is beyond the capabilities of current or near-future telescopes. It is therefore important to think about the ‘definitive’ telescope, capable of directly observing those elusive first stars at the edge of time,” said co-author. Volker Bromm, of the university’s McDonald Telescope.
Placing a telescope on the moon would allow scientists to study the oldest stars in the universe. (Associated Press)

Instead of glass mirrors, the lunar telescope would be designed around liquid ones.

The radical technology would involve a mirror made up of a rotating tank of liquid, topped with a metallic and reflective liquid, such as mercury.

The mirror should be 100 meters in diameter and could be built in a lunar crater on one of the moon’s poles. It could work with solar energy.

The Giordano Bruno crater on the opposite side of the moon. A crater would be a privileged place to build a lunar telescope. (NASA / University of Arizona) (Provided)

Scientists said its liquid components would be easier to take to the moon than conventional materials.

Its size and location would make it incredibly powerful.

This isn’t the only lunar telescope concept scientists are looking at. NASA is funding research on a radio telescope idea that would turn a lunar crater into a dish.

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