The Litecoin Team emergency update guarantees security against DoS vulnerability

  Emergency-Upgrade-from-Litecoin-Team-Ensures-Safety-Against-Do-Vulnerability "title =" Emergency-Upgrade-from-Litecoin-Team-Ensures-Safety-Against-DoS-Vulnerability "/> [19659002] A Denial-of-Service (19459005) <strong> vulnerability was hidden recently in the Litecoin platform code (LTC), but after finding this problem, the team started working on an emergency update that would have solved the problem, which has been put in place recently To ensure that consumers are able to protect themselves as soon as possible, the company warned that members of the community should update as soon as possible. [19659002] If left alone, this bug on the system is exploited by itself when miners send more inputs, which eventually lead to stopping the newly implemented protocols, because the encoding used for Litecoin and Bitcoin is so similar, there is evidence that some of the p Rolls were found on the Bitcoin blockchain as well. </p>
<p>  In addition, the error has the chance to cause a crash in Litecoin Core every time a corresponding transaction causes a block in the chain in which it is entered twice. As a result, the duplicate blocks are considered invalid, and only the miners who are willing to lose the income they make can do so. Otherwise, most miners essentially refuse to extract the blocks if they do not get any premium as a result. </p>
<p>  One of the other update notes said that users with post-0.16 portfolios will not be compatible with versions prior to 0.16 of the update. However, if there are any portfolios that have been made before the upgrade, you will not have to worry about being affected. In addition, Linux Kernel, MacOS 10.8+ and Windows versions after Vista are all compatible with the upgrade. To verify the version, the user needs a GPG key. However, this key will be provided with the version, verifying that there were no damages or modifications to the code. </p>
<p>  Twitter users, as usual, have commented on these changes online. User prayank said: "It will be interesting to know how many other altcoins are affected because of the vulnerability of the bitcoin core <em> </em>  recently discovered." </p>
<p>  However regarding the original error correction shown on GitHub, developer of sickpig "As far as I can tell the list of people who have been disclosed the bug has not been exhaustive, not for a long time, so make sure to have a correct way of telling projects / developers that their code is at risk is a MUST IMHO.It would be nice to know what actions were taken to implement the aforementioned coordination process.The goal is to improve the process in case of new revelations that could happen in the future. "</p>
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