The latest of which is Sudan … How did Trump get the Arab countries to run to “Israel”?


The day after announcing the normalization agreement between Khartoum and Tel Aviv and after being able to drag Arab countries into normalization with the Israeli occupation, there was much talk about the reasons for US President Donald Trump’s success in the to force Arab countries to climb towards the Zionist entity.

The US president has not closed the door to normalization, he has rather spoken of the imminence of normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and that Riyadh welcomes this rapprochement.

Referring to the reasons for Trump’s success in persuading Arab countries to normalize, we find that Trump has made unprecedented progress in the recent period in the history of Arab relations with “Israel”, as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan have announced normalization with it, among the speeches on the readiness of the Arab countries. Others to take the same step, especially Saudi Arabia.

In the course of the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the United States has only managed to conclude two peace agreements with Arab countries. The first was between Egypt and “Israel” in 1979, known as the “Camp David” agreement, and the second with Jordan in 1994, the “Wadi Araba agreement”.

The inability of the Arab countries to go to normalize with the occupation in recent years is due to a number of reasons, including the apparent one, which is the Arab League’s need to establish relations with Israel, the withdrawal of the latter. the territories occupied in 1967 and the possibility for the Palestinians to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders, and a solution to the refugee problem.

Trump’s choice to announce successive agreements between the three Arab countries and the Israeli occupation came just before the US presidential elections, which will be held on November 3, with the aim of winning the votes of the American electorate, in particular of the Jews.

Trump said in one of his speeches last September: “These pioneering agreements represent the beginning of a new dawn in the Middle East, as we have achieved different results, which are much better than their predecessors, and this new method has proven its worth. value”.

The American president said that many countries in the Middle East will follow the path of normalization, “knowing that this will serve their interest and the interest of the world”.

Observers believe Trump played big cards with countries printed with “Israel”, starting with the Gulf countries through the “Iran” card and the American F-35 combat card, which Qatar and the UAE wanted to buy. .

As for Sudan, Trump played the card of the lifting of US sanctions on Khartoum, the end of the economic blockade imposed by Washington on Sudan and the removal of Khartoum from the terrorist lists.

For his part, Khalil Jahshan, executive director of the Arab Center in Washington, believes the White House announcement of the peace agreement between “Israel” and the UAE came in the form of an “election declaration” aimed at strengthening the position of President Trump before the third election in November.

Jahshan confirms in a report published by the UK’s Middle East Eye website last August that the two sides did not agree on anything other than using this statement as a voting card to save Trump.

According to Jahshan, Trump has tried, through the Israeli-Emirati peace agreement, to revive his electoral fortunes, while saving Netanyahu, who is facing unprecedented protests and corruption allegations.

Thomas Friedman, a writer for the “New York Times” newspaper, described the recent Arab normalization with “Israel” as a “geopolitical earthquake” that would benefit the pro-American camp and supporters of moderate Islam, and which was “the Trump’s first real diplomatic success. “

On Friday, Sudan became the third Arab country to announce the normalization of relations with Israel in less than three months.

Following the announcement of normalization, US President Donald Trump removed Sudan from the list of US sponsors of terrorism, which led to the lifting of the embargo on economic aid and opening the door to the flow of investments. .

The Palestinian factions condemned this statement, and Fatah believed it “will give Israel the strength to oppress the Palestinian people and their leadership, and the occupation authorities will use them to accelerate the Judaization of Jerusalem and blessed Al-Aqsa, and they will consider support for his aggressive positions. ” Iran also condemned the deal, calling it “bogus”, and it was reached in exchange for a “ransom”.

This announcement comes weeks after the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel. Thus, the two Gulf states became the first Middle Eastern countries to recognize Israel in 26 years.

Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979, followed by Jordan in 1994 and Mauritania in 2009, but returned and severed ties after 10 years.

To remember the most important information about normalization, watch the following videos:

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