VIII. conclusions
As you could have noticed, the contours of the impact of a technology on others and vice versa often get confused, and this is not a coincidence but an inevitable consequence of the technologies that are born and develop to create a "fly of intelligence."
In addition to unlocking a series of new technology scenarios, the integration of blockchain, IoT and AI has generated new powerful business models. The transition from product to serve is access properties it is the key to understanding the magnitude of changes in the technological ecosystem. Even more radically, product-as-a-service is product-sharing business models are emerging and are winning in almost all markets, leaving the producer responsible for ownership and maintaining full responsibility for the product and service operations.
It is counterintuitive and even a bit absurd, if you think about it, that the surge in the hardware sector is indeed shifting attention to a "servitization"Model (Porter and Heppelmann, 2014), which clearly makes more sense where the the cost of the service is a significant part of the higher cost of ownership (this is the case in the current technological panorama).
This integration does not come without problems, as we have seen, both from a technical and commercial point of view, as well as from design. The democratization of data could also soon erode the barrier of data ditches that AI companies are building on their empires today. Software and algorithms are no longer private but rather open-source. The computing power is now accessible and will be processed directly on the device. What does it all mean for the evolution of the sector? Who knows. I have no idea how these phenomena will shape our activities and lives, but I am sure that the changes will take place at an exponential rate.
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