The “GoldenEye” observatory will be demolished after the damage


The Daily Beast

How a friend of the Toronto mayor who smokes crack fueled Trump’s latest conspiracy

Alongside the QAnon fans and former Breitbart reporters you’d expect to find in the fetid swamps from which the president’s legal team pulled their latest unsubstantiated claims, this week saw the emergence of a new conspiracy ground zero: Toronto, Canada. claims made Thursday by President’s attorney Sidney Powell appear to have been popularized by a far-right Canadian website whose correspondent was a white supremacy webstore trader and Toronto’s most famous tabloid columnist Joe Warmington. for the Toronto Sun, who sometimes wears an original fedora, calls himself “Night Scrawler” and was once the spokesperson for Toronto Mayor of crack smoker Rob Ford. Powell, who has repeatedly made false allegations that electronic voting systems They changed the ballots claims President-elect Joe Biden took a new twist in his statements at the press conference that turned Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye into a global phenomenon. sts say Rudy Giuliani’s television disaster should be a lesson for us AllCentral to its false claims is voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems, whose international headquarters are in Toronto. “They are moving their offices overnight to different locations, their offices in Toronto have been shared with one of the Soros entities,” Powell said at a press conference in New York on Thursday, in an attempt to tie Dominion to George. Soros. The billionaire investor, known for giving to progressive causes, is often invoked in right-wing conspiracy theories Powell’s claim followed Warmington’s tweets, whose literary story includes a subtle paperback biography of Billy Ray Cyrus who wrote in 1994. On November 14, he guarded the Toronto offices of the Dominion, a day after the former Breitbart Journalist Patrick Howley said the company “shares space” with a “Soros Group”. Howley’s claim was based on mailing lists that place Dominion and the Tides Canada charity, the alleged “Soros Group,” in the same building in downtown Toronto. In a tweet that has since been deleted, Warmington has a habit of tweeting about Soros and the “globalists”. “- noted that the lights were still on in the building at night, a claim Powell seems to have picked up in his allegation that Dominion was” moving their offices overnight to different locations. “Warmington – who withdrew a column earlier this year when it included fake Drake texts and once blocked the office of a rival newspaper after one of its reporters died of suicide – it also published the Tides Canada mailing list. But that’s where the conspiracy unravels. Tides Canada, which changed the brand to Makeway in June, moved its According to charity spokesperson Norah Murphy, Toronto has offices in another building last year, also not affiliated with. no way to George Soros, while the US-based Tides Foundation, of which they were the inspired founders, received funding from Soros’ charitable foundations, the two organizations are independent. has repeatedly made it clear that we are an independent Canadian registered national charity and that Tides US and Tides Canada are separate organizations, with no legal or governance ties, this misrepresentation continues to be shared, ”Murphy said. “When Tides Canada was founded in 2000, its founders were inspired by the Tides US foundation model, hence the name.” Warmington’s tweet, however, was shared on several QAnon forums and Telegram groups, confirmed the Daily Beast, where unfounded conspiracies that the Elections were rigged for Biden are rife and has also attracted the attention of the far right. Rebel News, a Canadian channel that doubles as the country’s equivalent of Breitbart and InfoWars, mixing incendiary comments with unreliable reports. Tuesday, at Dominion’s office. Bexte, who previously worked for a white supremacy military surplus online store that sold Rhodesian and apartheid flags, managed to produce a ten-minute quixotic segment that could double as a parody of far right YouTube videos. In his video, Bexte presses a microphone at people entering the building, tracks down a manager who asks him to leave and wonders if “George Soros’ radical employees [are] able to access the same desks, filing cabinets, servers and Wi-Fi as Dominion Voting. “All the while he seems to ignore the fact that the alleged ‘Soros group’ left the multi-tenant building in November 2019. Stock footage of the animated servers appear at one point, adding a Tim & Eric aesthetic. Wednesday , the Rebel added the page hosting the video to note that Tides Canada “moved from the office building to 215 Spadina Ave. last year, although their name remains on the door access system. building and in the list of tenants of the building. That didn’t stop Bexte and Warmington from congratulating each other on Thursday, when Powell reported his allegations at a press conference filled with dozens of other false and misleading claims. “Sidney Powell just referred to my viral story about Dominion sharing an office with George Soros orgs,” Bexte tweeted, adding a “shoutout” to Warmington for “being the first to talk about the story.” “Great job Keean,” Warmington replied. “You did the heavy lifting.” (He has since deleted this tweet.) Trump’s cheerleading of Trump doesn’t mark the first time he’s been behind a politician with a dubious relationship to the truth. He has often defended Rob Ford, who has repeatedly lied about his crack cocaine use, from allegations made by other media outlets. Ford, who died in 2016, is also the politician whose falsehood habit has prepared CNN to check the facts of prodigy Daniel Dale for his coverage of Trump is lying. Dale held Ford for the Toronto Star, a Sun rival who aggressively defied the Ford administration, though this doesn’t mark the first time Warmington has had kind words for someone affiliated with white nationalism. He called far-right media personality Faith Goldy, a one-time rebel correspondent, a “good girl” after appearing in a podcast on the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. Meanwhile, Dominion says its employees have been subjected to death threats following false conspiracies circulating about the company. Warmington and a spokesperson for Postmedia, the parent company of the Toronto Sun, did not respond to a request for comment. About The Daily Beast. 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