The Etobicoke restaurant intends to open today to dine against provincial ordinances


A Toronto restaurant owner says he will open one of his locations today in an effort to counter the province’s new “lockdown” restrictions on Toronto and the Peel region.

In a three-minute video post on Adamson Barbecue’s Instagram page Monday night, owner Adam Skelly states his intention to open the Etobicoke location at 11am Tuesday for full-service catering.

Toronto and the Peel region joined the On Monday, the “lockdown” phase of the province’s COVID-19 response framework.

The new restrictions mean that all catering services inside and outside restaurants and bars are prohibited. The establishments can however offer take-away or delivery services.

RELATED: Toronto, Peel region goes on lockdown for 28 days: what’s open and closed

In the post, Skelly questions governments’ intentions and the accuracy of Ontario’s COVID-19 case count.

“From top to bottom this thing stinks, it smells like corruption,” he says in the video.

Skelly believes small businesses and restaurants are being unfairly targeted by provincial governments’ new lockdown restrictions.

Comments on the post are mixed, some criticizing the move to go against the restrictions while others express their support. In the video Skelly says that messages from those who support his position gave him the motivation to move forward with the opening plan.

“This is a risky move and you guys gave me the gas to do it,” he says.

In recent weeks, an increasing number of agents have been employed to crack down on companies that did not comply with pandemic regulations.

If a person or company is found not to comply with orders under the Reopening of the Ontario Act, could be issued with a $ 750 fine under the Reopening Ontario Act.

If prosecuted without a ticket and on conviction, people could be fined up to $ 100,000 and a company’s directors and officers could be fined up to $ 500,000.

Any individual convicted of a crime under the Reopening Ontario Act could also receive a prison sentence of up to one year.

The maximum fine for a company convicted of a crime under the Reopening Ontario Act is $ 10,000,000.

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Adamson Barbecue operates three locations in the GTA, two in Toronto, though the Instagram post only mentioned plans to open the Etobicoke location on Tuesday.

The Etobicoke office is located in the Gardiner and Royal York Road area and, according to the Adamson Barbecue website, is normally only open Thursday through Sunday during lunch hours.

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