The death of the musician Tariq Akef and famous people in the Arab world mourn him with touching words


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Dead This morning, Monday, The Egyptian musician Tarek Akef At the age of 60, after a long career in performing arts as a composer and distributor, he was impressed by dozens of singers and singers in the Arab world.

Who is Tariq Akef?

His full name is Tariq Farouk Akef, Ed was born on November 28, 1960 and is an Egyptian composer, arranger, conductor and organ.

Akef studied music at the Leonardo Da Vinci Conservatory in Cairo (graduating from the Department of Music), has also undertaken freelance studies at the Institute of Arab Music and since 1983 has specialized in composition and composition.

At first, the deceased worked as an org player, until one of the band’s leaders saw him, Master Hamada Al-Nadi, and expressed his admiration for his talent and asked him to work with him. . Akef also worked in the band of musician Ammar Al-Shari’i

Tariq Akef owns the studio (Sawt Al Hob) in Cairo, and is known to have retired more than once and then returned from his decision.

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The most important awards that Tariq Akef has won

Akef has won many artistic awards over the course of his long career, including: the award for the best music distributor in the Arab world for 10 years (87 – 1997), and the award for the best distributor for the song “Sidi Wisalak” by Angham in 2001.

Festival and works of art attended by Tariq Akef

The late musician has participated in many arts and music festivals, including the October Victory Celebrations in Egypt, Hala February in Kuwait, the Carthage Festival in Tunisia, as well as his performances in many famous venues around the world such as the Albert Hall in England and the Olympia Theater in France.

It has also provided soundtracks for many television, film and radio works, such as the late Egyptian director Youssef Chahine’s film Al-Masirah.

Famous people have collaborated with Tariq Akef

Tarif Akef has collaborated with dozens of singers from different parts of the Arab world, where he has provided them with distributions for many of their songs, and among the stars who have collaborated with him: Muhd ​​Abdo, Nawal Al Zoghbi, George Wassouf, Abdullah Al Rowaished, Rashid Al Majid, Nabil Shuail, Hussein Al Jasmi Ahlam, Angham, Majid Al Mohandes, Asala, Ragheb Alama and others.

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The death of Tariq Akef

On the morning of Monday 23 November 2020, Egyptian media announced news The death of the great Egyptian musician Tariq Akef At the age of 60.

Famous people mourned Tariq Akef

With the announcement of the news of Tariq Akef’s death, many stars and singers in the Arab world have expressed their deep sadness at his departure, and have obeyed influential words through their various social media accounts, where you can see their obituary for the late photo album above.

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