In Tuesday's The Daily, there's a bit of everything in the mix: a story about the hardware, in the form of the delayed smartphone Exodus 1, one about security, concerning the latest cryptocurrency evaluations and finally a history of human interest. This last story is about a war of words between two passionate figures inside the cryptocurrency space.
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HTC Exodus 1 Phone has yet to send
<img class = "alignright wp-image-258155″ title=”The daily: HTC Blockchain Phone has delayed, updated Exchange security ratings” src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1-300×154.jpg” alt=”The Daily: HTC Blockchain Phone delayed, Exchange Security Ratings Updated "width =" 285 "height =" 146 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1- 300×154.jpg 300w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1-768×393.jpg 768w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/12 / Exodus-1-1024×524.jpg 1024w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1-696×356.jpg 696w, https: //news.bitcoin. it / wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / Exodus-1-1068×547.jpg 1068w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1-820×420.jpg 820w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Exodus-1.jpg 1275w "sizes =" (maximum width: 285 px) 100vw, 285px”/>Customers who have made an advanced purchase of Exodus 1 the blockchain phone is still waiting to receive its devices. Cryptographic mobile phones, priced at 0.15 BTC or 4.78 ETH, were quickly purchased by cryptocurrency supporters, who were promised that the devices would be shipped in December. While there is still time for this, the HTC manufacturer is cutting everything well with Christmas less than a week away.
Figures such as Charlie Lee helped to promote the project, and early December, early orders for the phone, which has an integrated BTC and ETH portfolio, have stopped being taken. In the project Telegram channel, buyers have become impatient awaiting the delivery of their highly anticipated phones. "The biggest scam in the history of smartphones" has vented an angry buyer. His statement, though very broad, captures the frustration Exodus 1 customers have experienced while awaiting news. Today, December 18, European customers received an e-mail from HTC Exodus that vaguely explained:
We are contacting you to inform you that the shipment of your order has been postponed, as we are finalizing the latest certification for European devices. We are working to receive your order as soon as possible and we will keep you updated when we have a confirmed shipping date. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Updated cryptocurrency exchange evaluations
There is a classification system for everything related to the space of cryptocurrency these days, from influencers to coins and exchanges to blockchains. In October, news.Bitcoin.com reported on Security assessment of the ICOrating.com exchange which found that 54 percent of the trading venues had security holes of some sort. ICOrating.com has now updated its report to reflect the new information and additions that have served to change its assessment of the first 10 exchanges. Coinbase Pro, which took first place, slipped to ninth place, while Kraken jumped from second to first.
<img class = "aligncenter size-large wp-image-262468″ title=”The daily: HTC Blockchain Phone has delayed, updated Exchange security ratings” src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange-security-1024×566.png” alt=”The daily: HTC Blockchain Phone has delayed, updated Exchange security assessments "width =" 696 "height =" 385 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange -security- 1024×566.png 1024w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange-security-300×166.png 300w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / exchange-security-768×425.png 768w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange-security-696×385.png 696w, https: // news .bitcoin. en / wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / exchange-security-1392×770.png 1392w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange-security-1068×591.png 1068w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/exchange-security-759×420.png 759w "sizes =" (maximum width: 696px) 100vw, 696px”/>
Binance came out of the top 20 altogether. "Overall, only 16 percent of trades fall into category A. None of the exchanges received an A + rating," he notes ICOrating.com. While all classification systems are subjective to a certain extent, their existence can only be a good thing if it pushes their subjects to improve. Greater transparency and commitment to better safety standards will benefit not only trades, but also their customers, who can trade with confidence.
Crypto Figures enters a Tiff
A war of words broke out between Ran NeuNer, guest of CNBC's Cryptotrader, and Larry Cermak of The Block. Cermak, along with his colleague Mike Dudas, published an exhibition of a fraudulent ICO called BCT and accused NeuNer of being involved in it. The host of CNBC reacted with threats of legal action, ordering The Block to delete tweets and change their story, after explaining that it had done nothing to facilitate the incorrect behavior of the BCT, and it was actually a victim in person. In a famous blog post titled "An open letter to The Block", NeuNer he wrote:
According to Larry, the alleged fraud, the scams on investors and employees and a man who works in this sector under false identity, were not the interesting part, but rather my alleged "involvement". [Larry] he has continued to make a series of accusations – many of which are incorrect, negligent, imprecise, defamatory and harmful.
NeuNer then complained about The Block giving him only six hours to provide his version of the story before Cermak's release went to press, which he thought was a deliberate move on their part. He concluded: "I was a fan of The Block and a regular reader of his stories, but if I go ahead with my unethical experience, false reporting and lack of verification, then The Block is unfortunately not that publication." Mike Dudas, for his part, responded to NeuNer's open letter stating that The Block supports his story, and he extended it an invitation to an interview. NeuNer still has to answer.
What are your thoughts on today's news as they appear on The Daily? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
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