The conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn will return by the end of the year


Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn
Illustration of the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn. Courtesy photo

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is a rare phenomenon towards the end of this year. For those of you who like to see the beauty of the evening sky after dark, you will see two objects that are quite bright and have been close to each other for the past few months.

The bright light of the two was also like the light of a star. Despite the fact that these two objects are planets.

Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn

The brightest visible object in the eastern sky 30 minutes after sunset is the planet Jupiter. Meanwhile, the bright planet that is close to it is the planet Saturn which is also present with bright light.

However, it is even less bright than the planet Jupiter. These two planets were two planets that were side by side in the sky in the early afternoon until dawn when the sun rises the next morning.

So, what’s even more interesting about this phenomenon is that, by the year 2020, these two planets will be at the closest distance or position to each other. Even from the last 800 years in the appearance of the earth’s surface.

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Rare phenomenon

As of Science Alert, if the conjunction of the Jupiter and Saturn phenomenon is one of the rare things we can see in the sky from the view of the Earth. The two planets will experience a closer approach from 16 to 25 December 2020.

For future events, the two planets will be separated by a very close distance, about a fifth of the diameter of the Full Moon or about 11.1 billion kilometers.

Although physically both are not very close, but in the view of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be in the same spot in the night sky.

“The alignment of the two planets is becoming somewhat rare. It happens about every 20 years or more. However, these conjunctions will seem closer to each other, “said Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University.

According to Patrick Hartigan, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurred on March 4, 1226. To get the best observation, the observer must be on the equator.

So when the sky is clear, it will appear parallel to any position above the earth’s surface. This conjunction phenomenon will be seen or presented in the sky about an hour after sunset.

If you want to see it more clearly, you can do it with a telescope and aim for the western sky.

“In the night sky, which is December 21, 2020, these two planets will be like double planets separated by a distance of one-fifth the diameter of the Full Moon,” added Hartigan.

The planets Jupiter and Saturn will appear quite bright at sunset. He also added that the two planets will be visible again in March 2080.

However, once the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs, the two will not appear to be that close until the next 2400 years.

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In astronomy, the term conjunction is a phenomenon in which two or more celestial bodies are close to each other and are visible from the view of the Earth.

If the objects are at the junction point, then they are in the same direction for our observation from Earth.

Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the Sun once and Saturn takes 30 years. So, on their respective orbits, if we can say Jupiter, it can always reach Saturn.

Every 20 years, these planets will appear close to each other. The last time we saw the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was in 2000, then in 1980 and so on.

As these two planets move around the center of the solar system, their positions will change every night. Hence, this means that the position is not fixed in one point.

There is now a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn after 20 years of this event. We will see again how wonderful these two planets are close to each other. (R10 / HR online)

Publisher: Jujang

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