The cheese may contain metal parts – a healing practice


Recall of cheese due to possible foreign bodies

The Furat Foods company in Munich has initiated a recall for cheese. According to the company, the presence of metal particles in the product cannot be excluded. It is best not to consume foods that may contain foreign bodies.

The Munich-based company Furat Food recalls the following products for preventive consumer protection reasons: “LAILAND Chilal Cheese” in a 900 gram jar and “LAILAND Chilal Cheese” in a 1250 gram jar.

Sold in several countries

“Although the risk is very low, it cannot be excluded with certainty that there are foreign bodies (small metal particles) in the above article,” the company writes in a message that the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and food safety (BVL) on its portal “published.

Products with lot numbers from 008 to 267 and dates to be consumed preferably by 6 November 2020 to 23 September 2021 are affected by the recall.

The items were sold by the company in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Austria and Croatia. Furat Foods and the companies it supplies have already withdrawn the products in question from sale as a precaution.

We kindly ask you to return products that have already been purchased with the specified lot numbers and dates to be consumed preferably within the normal channels. The cost of purchasing the cheese will be refunded.

Consumption is not recommended

Foreign bodies in food can cause various injuries and ailments, such as mouth and throat injuries. Also, the ingested parts, if they are large enough, can block the esophagus or digestive organs. Even internal injuries cannot be ruled out. Therefore, products that may contain foreign bodies should generally no longer be consumed. (A.D)

Information on the author and source

This text conforms to the requirements of the specialist medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been verified by medical professionals.


  • Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety: details on food warnings, (accessed: 07.11.2020), food
  • Message from Furat Foods, (accessed: 7 November 2020),

Important note:
This article is a general guide only and is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.


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