The British space agency supports the xSpancion satellite constellation project


AAC Clyde Space, a Swedish provider of nanosatellite spacecraft and mission services, has announced a 3-year project with the European Space Agency (ESA) called xSpancion to develop a satellite constellation service. The project will include the production of 10 spacecraft.

The project will be co-financed by the British Space Agency, through ESA, with approximately € 9.9 million. The first phase, which runs until mid-2021, will see AAC Clyde Space deliver a preliminary blueprint for its next generation space-as-a-service offering. The first phase is worth € 1.8 million, of which € 900,000 will be co-financed by the British Space Agency through ESA. Once this first phase is completed, the project will conclude with the production of 10 satellites and the demonstration of four in orbit. This part of the project is worth € 17.9 million, with co-funding from the UK Space Agency of € 8.9 million.

AAC Clyde Space also plans to sign customer service agreements for the delivery of data from its constellation services. The public private partnership project also involves Bright Ascension, the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, D-Orbit UK, Satellite Applications Catapult and Alden Legal UK.

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