The blockchain of critical ingredients is missing Articles | Big Data


It is fair to say that Blockchain technology has exploded in recent years, but not without its problems. Putting aside the fluctuations in the value of cryptocurrencies, the reality is that the adoption of this technology has not reached the expected height. So, why is that?

On the surface, the possibilities of Blockchain technology are endless. The problem is that this is also its cancellation. Many argue that we are still unaware of the real potential of the Blockchain and we stumble into our haste to get a better understanding. In doing so, we are missing something that is very important.

Ignoring the heart of the Blockchain

People tend to focus on potential apps or ways to use technology while ignoring the core of the Blockchain. While Bitcoin is on its way, it is Ethereum which is at the center of much of development.

The problem is the push for the fastest and most economical version of Blockchain possible. We do not have the patience to wait. This leads to non-standardized developments, as people look at the use of Ethereum as a core when it is simply not at the height of the work.

What the researchers have noticed is that the tools available do not meet the required level. It's similar to a builder who does not have the right tools to build a house. He could try, but it would never have been so nice.

This makes life difficult for developers. They try to develop Blockchain using the wrong tools. The result is a technology that offers a lot, but where it is impossible to reach those heights with a hand tied behind the back.

Considering that Ethereum is really at the center of everything, the fact that people are abusing it will be a surprise for many.

How to fix it

This leads to the question of how to solve this problem and the answer is quite simple: there is a real need to give developers the tools they need to get on with the technology.

So far, a primary focus has been the development of Blockchain's internal protocols. While this is important, even a change in focus on creating models, libraries and an attempt at standardization is crucial.

In this way, you are developing a stronger core for Ethereum. This also leads to the development of the right tools that will allow technology to move forward.

This attempt to fix the heart of the Blockchain is vital, since in doing so it opens up new possibilities. It is necessary to remember that this technology has the ability to completely change the way we buy things, we move money around and many other functions. Therefore, having the engine driving this change is essential.

The future of the Blockchain

If we can solve these problems, the future of the Blockchain is rather rosy. It leads to faster transactions without processing costs. It makes transactions secure by hackers in an instant. With this, it eliminates a great concern for a large percentage of people.

Speaking of hackers, he adds security to the "Internet of Things" that is widely open to abuse. Your home security system would be safe, your wireless technology in every room would be closed to strangers. You feel more relaxed knowing that your personal information is safe.

But it does not end there either.

This sense of security and immutability (inability to modify or modify things) offers the idea of ​​being used in elections to fight fraud. The way in which everything is verified on the Blockchain means that it should actually conquer the world.

Furthermore, it simply explains that no company owns Blockchain; it is out there that everyone can develop and use as they see fit. This means that there are endless restrictions and possibilities and this is very exciting.

But then, developers need to create apps that the average person will understand and want to use. This is where things get tough. The most popular decentralized apps reach around 2,000 users a day, and this is scarce. They are often slow or people can not understand their point, and this is a huge disappointment.

The future of this technology is potentially brilliant, but only if changes occur. Give developers the right tools and a strong beating heart for Blockchain and see how far they can push the technology.

Blockchain technology is not going away and if we stop making things so complicated it can thrive. With so many positive attributes, not being able to take advantage of it is an absolute sin and it is one that we can not let go. Losing on this critical part of all technology is crazy and it would all be our fault if we let it pass us by.

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