The Blockchain Distributed Ledger Adoption technology plays an important role in the value of Crypto Markt

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Technology adoption plays an important role in the encrypted market

In the past, several companies have provided the market with innovative new products never seen before. And some investors like Warren Buffet could not see these technological changes.

Amazon, Google and Applefor example, there were these types of companies that were releasing new products that users had not experienced in the past. However, the market was full of skeptics about what these companies would bring. Although Buffet did not expect these companies to grow this way, they are now worth billions of dollars.

This is also something that can be applied to blockchain technology and virtual currencies. Blockchain It is growing in the market and is allowing several companies to improve their services and products. By working in a simple way, blockchain offers a distributed ledger that does not depend on a single institution and is stored in a computer network.

There are several areas that could be improved embracing blockchain technology. Several sectors have already implemented different blockchain systems and may continue to do so in the future. Because of this growth, there is a $ 1.3 billion loan that entered the blockchain space in 2018.

However, Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, it's not so sure on the blockchain technology and how it can be prepared for mass adoption. He said that investors are not willing to remain stable over the long term, which will adversely affect their investments.

At the end of 2017 and at the beginning of 2018, the initial offer of coins (ICO) craze in the market has hit several investors. Individuals put their money on the market and believed they would be rich quickly. However, this did not happen and the market suddenly crashed.

Most of these projects were not able to offer the promises made to investors when they put their funds on the market. Some of these tokens have lost more than 95% of their value and in some cases have ceased their activities.

There are also some institutions that are interested in putting their funds in virtual currencies and in the whole market. Companies such as the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) or Goldman Sachs are developing services to accept a flow of incoming investments in virtual currencies.

Moreover, IBM, Walmart are also using blockchain technology improve the services they offer to the market.

Although there has been a severe market crash, the market is maturing and regulators are entering the space trying to control and regulate it appropriately.

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