The Big Bang theory hides many ambiguities: the British astrophysicist even thinks it is wrong


One of MIT’s theoretical physicists, Alan Guth, argues that the Big Bang theory doesn’t explain many things. We don’t know what exploded, why it exploded or what happened before the big bang, writes the DailyGalaxy portal.

The Big Bang Theory is the most popular theory since Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Astronomer Carl Sagan also said that if we want to adopt it, we do we have to face more difficult questions.

“What were the conditions like during the Big Bang?” What happened first? Was there a tiny universe without matter and then suddenly this matter was born out of nothing? How did it happen? These were Sagan’s questions.

According to the Big Bang theory, our universe began with a colossal explosion that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, the universe it expands and cools constantly. Astronomers combine mathematical models with observations to create a functional theory of how the universe was born. They also include the theory of relativity or fundamental particle theories.

The secret of the big bang

Scientists still do not know the answer to the question of what was able to drive cosmic inflation. One of the obstacles is that space inflation is hidden behind a wall represented by the transparency of space. However, scientists are trying to solve the problem by detecting gravitational waves, which may be the only means of giving us a picture of what was happening at the time of the big bang. However, some believe that the big bang never happened.

The best-known critic of the Big Bang theory is British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle. Hoyle at the same time created the name “big bang” for the process that led to the creation of our universe. He used it for the first time in 1950, during astronomy classes at the BBC radio station.

Hoyle thinks it’s not a huge explosion to blame for the creation of our universe, but a large number of small explosions, occurred in an existing space-time. These little bursts created elements of light. As for the cosmic microwave background, Hoyle estimates that it is radiation emitted by a metallic interstellar dust. At the same time, he argues that his version of the theory is by no means perfect, but that new discoveries, such as space inflation, dark matter and others, hide far more errors.

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