The average age of new users at station B is only 20 years. From the three quarterly reports, watch post-95 generation battlefields video_detailed interview_latest information_hot events-36kr


  1. The average age of new users at Station B is only 20. Watch the post-95 battlefield video from the three quarterly reports.36kr
  2. Third Quarter Earnings Surpassed Expectations Bilibili’s Share Price Up 22% Thursday-Media Player / Video SitecnBeta
  3. Bilibili executives interpret third quarter earnings: around 50% of users are from cities below third tierSina
  4. Performance Bulletin | Station B’s third quarter revenue reached 3.23 billion yuan, an increase of 74% year-on-year36kr
  5. Bilibili’s third quarter revenue of 3.2 billion yuan and net loss increased year on yearSina
  6. View the full report on Google News


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