The automatic block launches the automatic currency to buy and sell cars with cryptocurrency

  Automatic lock flips automatic money to buy and sell cars with cryptocurrency "title =" Automatic lock flips automatic money to buy and sell cars with cryptocurrency "/> </div>
<p><strong>  Automatic currency, the only cryptocurrency based on blockchain designed specifically for the car industry was officially launched </strong>. This currency is giving cryptocurrency owners the opportunity to use their digital currencies to pay for new vehicles using a secure and digital channel for the first time absolute. </p>
<p>  This currency was established to meet the growing demand for a market that uses cryptocurrency, especially in the United Kingdom (UK), a development that will give digital money-holders a wonderful opportunity to spend their money has been non-existent, virtually no such coins can be used </p>
<p>  Blockchain technology at the wheel of Auto C oin is a hybrid that combines both public and private blockchains. in the platform it promotes ecological efficiency as this platform requires limited computational power for execution. The automatic currency uses the trial consent of the leased stake but which you can own as a leasing user from another use to indicate your mining power as a user. Users must have a hosted server and about 1,000 coins to be able to extract. The coins will have a fixed supply of 400 million </p>
<p>  The CEO (CEO) of We Buy Cars Today, Thomas Delgado considers this development as one that will change the automotive industry for the better. In his statement, he said his company recognizes the pace with which blockchain technologies are moving within the industry and hopes to put his company in line with this momentum. He notes that the company is pleased to be among the first in this sector to offer the opportunity for automatic Coin to its customers. It will continue to allow faster and even safer transactions, as well as an innovative way to open up new opportunities for the company. </p>
<p>  Just like most other cryptographic coins, automatic money also benefits from a similar level of anonymity that makes it private and secure to make transactions. When making automatic transactions using this coin, all resources will be stored securely on the Hyper Ledger Fabric. This process ideally means that car buyers who use the currency will not have to divulge any personal information. Auto Coin will manage its system on Ethereum's blockchain public platform and will also use the platform's smart contracts to communicate between the different blockchains. </p>
<p>  The platform is designed to support and process around 200,000 transactions per second. In addition, it will process vehicle payments instantly. This platform will solve the challenges of high commissions, delays and long and frustrating waiting times that characterize conventional debit and credit payments. Car buyers will simply be required to scan a simple QR code to complete the payment of their cars. </p>
<p>  According to Ezeldin, Auto Coin is a solution to a challenge that has plagued many industries and for cryptocurrencies. Note that the automotive sector is only one of the other markets where this technology will come into use. </p>
<p>  The offer of initial coins for automatic coins has already begun and will continue until mid-September </p>
<h2>  About The Auto Block </h2>
<p>  The Auto Block presents a unique and diversified set of products that will put the world online of digital coins with the automotive industry. Auto Coin, which is part of these products, will be the first currency of its kind in this industry and will allow secure, fast and private transactions. It will extend the use of digital coins and help car dealers. It aims to destroy the automotive industry in a positive way by introducing a simple, easy and safe way to buy and sell mobile phones in cars. </p>
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