The Arab world has an appointment with two astronomical phenomena. This …


It appears that the current month of November will bring many astronomical phenomena to the Arab region The Astronomical Society of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the sky of the region will witness two astronomical phenomena, during this month, one of them is called “the Seven Sisters”, while the second phenomenon is related to seeing Venus with the naked eye.

The association claimed that this month is the “month of Thuraya”, as a cluster of stars will adorn the sky of Saudi Arabia and the Arab region after the start of the night and until dawn the next day..

He added that the Thuraya cluster, also known as the “Seven Sisters”, will be seen not only in the Arab world, but everywhere from the Arctic to the furthest point in South America.

This star cluster resembles the Little Dipper stars except that it has a foggy appearance and it is necessary to use an optical aid (binoculars) to see this cluster from inside cities due to light pollution..

The Pleiades are a cluster of open galaxies containing about 500 stars and, according to recent measurements, the Pleiades arose from the same cloud of gas and dust only about 100 million years ago compared to the Sun’s age of 4.5 billion years..These seven sisters are hurling themselves into space together, and many of them are thousands of times brighter than the sun.

When taking pictures of this cluster, the effect of the nebula from which these stars were formed will appear, and through binoculars many more stars will appear, and through a large telescope you will be able to see nebulous material around the stars..

In general, the Pleiades star cluster is visible in the Northern Hemisphere throughout the night, coinciding with late autumn and moving into winter, and the chandelier can easily be imagined as an icy patch on the dome of the night sky. .

The second phenomenon is linked to the planet Venus and can be observed in the sky of the Arab world before dawn throughout the month of November.

During this month, Venus, the brightest planet, will be in the dome of the sky, where it is easily visible towards the eastern horizon with the naked eye in its brightest form..

Venus will appear to the naked eye as a bright white point of light. When viewed through an average telescope, it can be seen that the size of its apparent disk has shrunk as its brightness increases, as appears in the humpback phase, which is currently 81% illuminated by sunlight..

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