The Arab Tourism Organization predicts a decline in tourism revenue in the Arab world


Mostafa Qotbi – Africa news portal |

12 September 2020

The president of the Arab Tourism Organization, Bandar bin Fahd Al Fahid, said the tourism movement has experienced a more-than-expected global decline during the first half of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019 as the number of tourists international markets are expected to contract by 64.7 percent in 2020 compared to 2019, indicating that this is 6.7 percent less than the expectations of the rapid recovery scenario published last May. He added that the number of international tourist arrivals could reach 516 million tourists by the end of 2020, so that international tourism revenues will decline by 68 percent, causing losses of up to $ 474 billion, which will lead to a decrease in the economic multiplier of the tourism sector in the economy as a whole, especially in developing countries which are highly dependent on tourism as a source of national income and generation of job opportunities.

A report by the Arab Tourism Organization and the Arab Air Transport Association, on the impact of the “Corona” pandemic on the tourism and travel sectors, said that the contraction in tourism revenues in the Arab world would lead to a sharp decline in movement tourist in the region. The Arab Tourism Organization and the Arab Air Transport Association had expected a decline in tourism revenue in the world. Al-Arabi has increased by 69.1 percent this year, causing losses that could reach $ 28 billion.

On the other hand, Arab Air Transport Association Secretary General Abdel-Wahab Tuffaha said he expects the global economy to contract by 4.9% in 2020 compared to 2019 and the Arab economy by 5 , 7%, indicating that the global economy is expected to recover in the year 2021 and the Arab economy in 2022, based on a scenario of rapid recovery, and if this is not achieved, the global and Arab economies will recover in 2023 , based on the slow recovery scenario. He stressed that the change in passenger traffic during the current year compared to 2019 has decreased between 54.7 and 40.4 percent and in the Arab world between 57.1 and 34 percent.

The loss of the total contribution of tourism and travel to global gross product is expected, according to the report, to be approximately $ 5.5 trillion, which represents a decrease of 62.3% from the year 2019. loss estimates in the Arab world are projected to reach $ 194 billion in 2020 compared to 2019, so the total contribution of tourism and travel to total production in the Arab world is about $ 72 billion, which represents a decrease of 72 billion. , 9% compared to 2019, while the global losses of the labor sector amount to 197.5 million jobs in the world and about 7.5 million jobs in the Arab world.

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