The Arab and Muslim world is opposed to extremism


Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil Awadallah, the preacher of the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Mufti MP from the State of Palestine, stressed that religious discourse is necessary to guide people with the influence they have in their minds and souls, emphasizing that many of the misinterpretations that the speech currently suffers must be correct.

Awadallah, during his participation in the events of the 29th Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, currently taking place in a hotel in Cairo entitled "Building the national character and its impact on the progress of countries and the maintenance of stability, which the Al-Aqsa mosque groans under occupation and screams from this enemy, In Palestine and in the Arab and Muslim world all against extremism.

Khatib al-Aqsa stressed that the mosque is being hijacked by religious extremists by its original owners in the Arab and Islamic countries, and that everyone should exert efforts to free him from the obvious and public outrage.

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