The 5 main types of coins to create a different investment strategy in cryptocurrency

  The 5 main types of coins to create a different investment strategy in cryptocurrency "title =" The 5 main types of coins to create a different investment strategy in cryptocurrency "/> </div>
<p>  The emergence of cryptocurrency it has probably brought a lot to the financial market, but one of the greatest benefits is certainly equality: no matter where the person can live in the world, provided he has an Internet connection, he has the same identical opportunities as anyone else. </p>
<p>  This is particularly significant for those who live in countries with major economic problems such as Venezuela, or those considered "not satisfied", but despite the benefits, this opportunity also has its own set of drawbacks: scams, thefts, hacking attacks, while big problems are also just some of the failure of many coins is also a big problem. </p>
<p>  For this reason, investing in a coin has become a gro risk, and attempts to test coins have often resulted in hard forks. rabid newcomer in the cryptic world is always completely confused about where and how to start their crypts. </p>
<h2>  Crypto Investment Strategies </h2>
<p>  Attempts to study encrypted markets and provide a safe way to approach them have led to numerous strategies. In the end, the worst thing to do is rush into the thick of things without having a plan. It's just as bad, if not worse, to constantly change your plans and strategies because of fear or the pure feeling that it's "the right thing to do". </p>
<p>  Just because someone else is lucky and manages to make a profit means that the strategy you are following does not work. Furthermore, it does not mean that the lucky person's strategy works for you. Also, making a small profit should not be an indicator that you should go "all in" since this is the safe way to lose everything. A little success should not fool you into a false sense of competence, and you should always be aware that nothing is ever safe in the world of criptos. </p>
<p>  This should not discourage you from trying, however. Cryptographic technology is a wonderful phenomenon that changes the world, and you should definitely learn how it works. The point we are trying to do is play it in an intelligent way, in order to avoid useless losses and anxieties. </p>
<p>  After all, a cryptographic market is extremely volatile, which makes it dangerous, but it also opens up opportunities. To get the best out of it, you should choose a strategy and stick to it, even if it seems that sometimes it does not work. The second thing you should do is have a well diversified cryptocurrency portfolio. </p>
<h3>  Key elements for building a well-diversified portfolio </h3>
<p>  If you are aiming to build a well-diversified encrypted portfolio, there are three important elements to keep in mind – timing, distribution and coin selection. </p>
<p>  Timing will allow you to understand what is happening to the market. Is it going up or down, is it flat, or is it something big coming? The plan should always be to sell when market prices rise and buy when they crash. You do not have to be able to predict market behavior. Just to react to what is happening. </p>
<p>  So, we have the distribution, which is the ability to understand how many coins to invest and how much to invest in each. This will allow you to balance your funds and make appropriate decisions that will depend on nature, behavior, plan, team, community and many other aspects of money. </p>
<p>  The choice of money is closely connected to this as well, since all these aspects should be indicators of which coins to choose. Focusing on the currency for its price is the wrong approach. Instead, try to understand it and try to understand if it has a future, if it can be useful once the time of the cryptographic world has arrived. </p>
<p>  You should also invest in different types of coins so that if you make a mistake with one of them, you will not lose all your resources. With this in mind, we finally take a look at five coins that will make your encrypted wallet well diversified and properly balanced. </p>
<h3>  5 coins will make your cryptographic portfolio well diversified </h3>
<h4>  1. Bitcoin – The Leader Of The Market </h4>
<p>  It should be quite obvious why BTC takes first place on this list. It is the cryptic market leader and in more than one way. BTC is the first encryption, and also the largest by market capitalization. It has become synonymous with the word "cryptocurrency" and is still the currency with the greatest value of its name. </p>
<p>  This is the coin that begins and ends every bull run, and what happens to it is usually what will happen to every other coin out there, at least for now. It is also the currency most likely to be the first to achieve traditional adoption, which is why you should be there when it does. </p>
<h3>  2. USD Tether – The Stablecoin </h3>
<p>  Tether is a Stablecoin, which means it is tied to a fiat currency. In the case of Tether, the currency to which it is linked is USD. This means that Tether will always have the same value as the US dollar. The company behind it claims that every Tether currency is backed by a dollar, and Tether's supply will depend on how much the company can sustain. </p>
<p>  You should have Tether because it can be useful when the market is bearish. In this way, you will be ready to buy low-cost altcoins as soon as their prices go down. Buy more during bullfights and spend when prices fall. </p>
<h3>  3. NEO – The Coin For Passive Income </h3>
<p>  NEO is today one of the most popular coins and uses a 2-coin system. It works similarly to Ethereum and has practically the same purpose. However, its gas tariffs are paid in a separate currency, called GAS. For everything else, use NEO tokens. </p>
<p>  You should consider including NEO because it actually pays GAS to its users. This is a good way to get a passive income, especially if you are planning a long-term portfolio. It's practically a unique feature, and you're literally paid for not spending tokens. In the end, GAS can cover the taxes of your future transactions, which will allow you to spend your NEO coins where it is really important, and not waste them as taxes. </p>
<h3>  4. BNB – Trading discount currency </h3>
<p>  BNB, or Binance Coin, is the native token of Binance's cryptocurrency exchange. The coin will give you a 25% discount if you decide to trade in Binance. Also, holding 500 or more of these coins will increase your referral bonus up to 40%. You would simply use BNB as an exchange currency because of your special status in this exchange, as well as because of your indifferent relationship with other altcoins. </p>
<p>  In addition, exchange currencies are less likely to take hits when the market changes and lose less than their value when bears arrive. In fact, only stablecoins are able to outperform in these situations, which makes them rather resistant to volatility. Not completely, of course, but enough to make the difference. </p>
<h3>  5. ICON – The Coin For The Future </h3>
<p>  ICON is one of the projects focused on blockchain interoperability. Basically, they expect that in a few years there will be numerous blockchains and will need to communicate with each other. Such a network of blockchains seems incredible, but still has a series of problems. ICON's job is to try to predict them and create solutions for them. </p>
<p>  Of course, this is all still mostly speculations at this point, but it's worth having a futuristic currency as part of your cryptographic portfolio. ICON is among the coins with the greatest potential in this sense, which is why we decided to add it to this list. In the end, if he dominates this area, he can repay his HODLers considerably. Some even predict a 100-fold return. However, if you decide you do not like it, you can replace it with almost all other coins, as they all represent the future. </p>
<h2>  5 coins to diversify your portfolio Conclusion </h2>
<p>  In the end, the choice of these coins fall on you as an investor. The good strategy would be to have coins belonging to different categories, as shown. In this way, you have five plans on how to proceed and you can always be prepared for almost all situations. </p>
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