Security and "systemic risk" will form the focus of the third Stanford Blockchain Conference at Stanford University on January 30 – February 1, organizers revealed.
Continuing the ever-increasing interest of the institution in blockchain technology, the three-day event will feature presentations and discussions on a variety of technical issues.
Chaired by Stanford professors, among others, the event will see the contributions of multiple cryptocurrency companies, with contributions from names such as Blockstream, ConsenSys and Polychain Capital.
The talks come from representatives of companies in the industry including the Stellar-based starter interstellar and the Chainspace intelligent contracts platform.
The conference, which was held for the first time in 2017, "will explore the use of formal methods, empirical analyzes and risk models to better understand the safety and systemic risk in blockchain protocols".
The organizers wrote as part of the introduction to the event of this year that "multidisciplinary collaboration" is a main theme:
"We aim to promote multidisciplinary collaboration between professionals and researchers in blockchain protocols, distributed systems, cryptography, IT security and risk management".
Stanford has tried to offer students a more direct study on the blockchain in recent times, in June of this year opening a research center dedicated to the blockchain.
In October, meanwhile, it was said that the establishment was one of many in the United States investing in encrypted funds.
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